Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Journey To the Savageland


I’ll make a vehicle that can go through 

Land and water;       

One, which gets wheels on land,

The same, which gets fatter and fatter on water;


Floating through a river, passing by icy mountains and a dense forest;

I reach my destination and then rest;

The next day, I take a lens;

I search for the rare emerald.


My mind gets puzzled, but soon everything comes to sense.

I found the emerald in a chest;

I thought I was done with the quest;

A dragon woke up from the emerald        

I thought I was in trouble;

But the dragon trapped me in a bubble.


After years and years, I popped the bubble,

And heard someone call my name

I heard my mom scream

And realized all of this was a dream.


-Shreyas S J - ICSE 6C 

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