Showing posts with label Quick Tale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quick Tale. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Terror Off Tuned


The out of tune Kachtarz monster originated from the vocal chords of the Marai Octopus, who sings horribly, from the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean. Kachtarz initially, an abscess on the Octopus’s vocal chords soon turned out to be a separate monster. 

Legend has it that the Marai Octopus was cursed by Gronyun, the lord of Monsters, when he was stopped by the Marai while travelling through the Atlantic. The curse was, he would become the reason for something that would destroy the world. Marai always intended to be good and carry out his duties as the guardian of the Atlantic. This was devastating for him, while it was a boon to the Federation of Monsters. 

Kachtarz sings and produces negative frequencies that are enough to destroy the balance of the cosmos. He terrorises the world with his out of tune, horrifying voice.

The UN is extremely worried and they have no clue about what is to be done.

Many scientific organisations are dumbstruck. People from the musical communities are warning everyone about the dangers that the monster’s voice could create. 

The Avengers are trying to distract Kachtarz and are preventing him from using his strongest frequencies which could shatter the world into dust.

But nothing can substitute for a permanent solution. 

Soon, Carnatic Musicians come to the rescue!

They studied the pattern of Kachtarz’s frequencies and found his weakness. The positive frequencies of Carnatic music would disturb the flow of Kachtarz’s core energy. And so, they educated and encouraged people to sing or play a set of compositions form Carnatic Music, in perfect pitch. 

Kachtarz couldn’t handle the magnitude of positive frequencies that were coming from billions of people using Carnatic Music to save the world.

The monster evaporated into thin air and peace had been restored.


~Siri Girish -10 C


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Bitter Truth


It was night time in the kingdom of Alteria. The atmosphere was quiet and ominous, a mysterious energy present in the air. Everyone slept soundly in their homes, their windows and doors bolted heavily, heedful of the rumoured assassin.

It was no different for Ezekiel, the one and only Oracle of the mystic nation of Alteria. His compact dwelling was protected by two paneled, wooden doors. In addition to them, there were also two watchmen vigilantly guarding his house, courtesy to his position in the High Council.

Ezekiel was a light sleeper, thus, he heard the swish of the thick curtains even in his exhausted sleep. He moved towards his right to grab the candle torch but having overestimated the breadth of the bed, he fell off his bed, just in time to avoid a razor-sharp sword coming right at his neck.

He gasped and looked in the direction from which the sword had appeared. A lean figure stood there, cloaked in black, leather attire. A golden masquerade mask covered his face and in his hands were twin swords.

He studied the figure thoroughly and could not help but take a sharp breath as he came to realize who it was. This was the Assassin rumoured to have been murdering individuals across the realm! Snapping out of his contemplation, Ezekiel quickly stumbled back when he saw the Assassin raise his swords again. He raised his staff shakily and stood in an awkward stance. His mental capabilities were exceptional, but the same couldn't be said about his physical fighting skills. With high amounts of adrenaline pumping in his body, he made a hesitant, yet brisk swipe at the perpetrator. But the assassin was quicker. He jumped over the bed and was on top him in no time, his swords placed at his neck and right above his heart respectively. He was absolutely terrified by then.

In a last attempt to save his life, he flapped his hands and one of them struck the Assassin's face. To his surprise and to the assassin's horror, the mask fell off his face.

When Ezekiel saw the Assassin's face, he was stunned to the core…….. It was the Princess!

After knowing this, he felt like a fool for not realizing this before. Of course, it had to be someone from the Royal family, as they were the only ones who had the spare keys of every house in the kingdom. Thus, with the keys, the princess had been able to get inside the houses without being detected and do her sinister work.

The assassin too looked at Ezekiel in shock. This was the first time someone had not only escaped death from her hands but also uncovered who she was. She had to give it to him, he was a smart one. Everyone always went for the hands, which was very predictable, but he went for her face, one thing she was not prepared for.

"Princess Iris....You are the Assassin...?" He whispered. 

Iris ignored his question and circled him predatorily. "You are the only one who has ever discovered who I really am, Ezekiel." She mused. He gulped, he couldn't tell if it was a good thing or bad. Before he could think anything else, she continued. "So, as a gift, you could say, I will let you live.......on one condition"

He pondered upon her words, and timidly asked. "What is the condition?"

She smirked at this and answered. "A little birdie told me that you have a secret skill no one is aware of.....necromancy. I want you to use that power to contact the innocent boy whom you killed!" Her eyes darkened at the last sentence. 

He felt confused and offended, so he relayed it to her. "Innocent boy I killed?  ! I have never killed anyone in my twenty four years of life!" He exclaimed. 

Iris' face turned red with anger and she brought her hand to his neck, choking him. "Yes, you did! You killed my brother! Father told me the truth today! You killed Asher! " She roared. He tried to get her hand to leave his neck, but to no avail. 

"I did not..k.kill h-him! Your...f-father did!" Ezekiel choked out. 

Iris tightened her hand around his neck. "How dare you lie?! That too about my father, your King!" She gritted her teeth. Ezekiel could not be serious! Did he really think he could lie to her about such a big thing? She thought.

Ezekiel felt pitiful for Iris, for she did not know of her father's cruel acts and even though he did not want to ruin her father's image in her mind, he had to tell her to truth. "Servants of the Moon...d-do not lie! I speak only the truth, Princess. If you still doubt m-me, then answer t-these questions of mine! Who sent... P-Prince Asher to the Mystic caves? Who stopped y-you and the H-High Council from going there when we h-heard nothing from him even after three w-weeks?" He asked confidently.

Iris' hand loosened and her eyes turned conflicted as she thought of the answer to all those questions. Her breathing deepened and perspiration coated her forehead as she realised the answer to all his questions.

Her father, the king had been the performer of all those deeds........

Thankful that she had stopped choking him, he immediately took in large gulps of air. He was still panting harshly when her low, confused voice reached his ears. "But...Why would he do that...?" She asked him. He heaved a heavy sigh and looked into her eyes with as much truth in his eyes as possible. "Princess Iris.....Prince Asher was not your biological brother..."

Iris' eyes nearly popped out of the sockets at the new revelation and her mouth opened to ask him if he knew how inconceivable his statement was, but he just shook his head and gestured her to listen to him completely.

"Prince Asher was the only child of a ruler whose kingdom was conquered by your father. His mother had died due to childbirth and when his father was killed by yours, he was left with no one to take care of him. When your mother heard of this, she couldn't bear to let a one year old child suffer, so she took him under her care. King Anthony was not happy with her decision, but he could not deny his beloved wife, so he legally adopted Asher as well."

Ezekiel looked at Iris to see that she was paying full attention to him. He continued. "But your father has always been wary of Prince Asher, he was afraid that Prince Asher would kill him like he did to his father, in cold blood. That wariness only increased when your brother became of age, last year. So he devised a plan to kill him, and put it into action three months ago, when he told him to go on a pilgrimage to the Mystic Caves to spend a week, seeking blessings of Lune, the Moon Goddess."

"The Mystic Caves have two chambers, one in which resides the Enigma of Divinity, that is the essence of the Moon Goddess herself and another similar chamber which is spelled by ancient witches. Anyone who enters the second chamber is cursed to turn to wolves or rather lycans on every full moon." The wonder in Ezekiel's voice matched the awe that Iris' eyes showcased.

"The possibility of one surviving the shift is very rare. Prince Asher was specifically led to the second chamber by your father two days before the full moon, but no one here knew that, not even me." Bitterness coated Ezekiel's voice when he said the last sentence. He was angry at the fact that the king had forbid him from going with Asher, even after repeated imploration. But he was more ashamed of himself for not realising the matter sooner.

"Anthony waited for three weeks and claimed time and then, he sent large troops to the Caves, just to make his story more believable. But there were no troops deployed at all. Once all the commotion in the kingdom dulled, he declared that Prince Asher was dead, all the while immobilizing   any efforts made to search for the prince" With this, Ezekiel concluded his disquisition and silence ensued once again.

After listening to Ezekiel, Iris felt a myriad of emotions, betrayal being the most prominent one. Betrayal from her father. Although he wasn't really an affectionate person by nature, she couldn't believe he would stoop so low; that he was such a vile man! Agony consumed her being and her eyes stung just thinking about how her brother must have suffered. Her hands fisted and her body went rigid.

Ezekiel, having noticed the distress her posture portrayed, laid one of his hands on her clenched fists wanting to provide any kind of comfort to the traumatized soul. Iris felt his hand touch hers and closed her eyes tightly, wanting nothing but to let the dam of tears break. His touch was soothing, calming even, and she could understand why everyone gravitated towards him. Although she tried not to respond to his touch, her body betrayed her and moved a little bit closer to him, wanting more of his comforting presence.

Seeing her step closer to him, Ezekiel hesitantly stepped forward and wrapped his arms loosely around her frame, pausing to look for any sign of discomfort from her. His shock was delectable when she just wrapped her own arms around his waist and placed her head in the crook of his neck. He felt pleasantly surprised that the princess accepted his show of affection. Though, he also felt great relief; the princess had become very emotionally detached after receiving the news of Prince Asher's death, so this was definitely an improvement.

After a few minutes, when she had calmed down a little, she lifted her head from the crook of his neck and stepped away. Even though she believed that whatever he said was the truth, she couldn't let go of one thing though, a possibility that gave her hope. "Ezekiel, you said that the possibility of a person surviving the shift is very rare.....but.....isn't there a chance that Asher might-....might have survived?" Her voice broke just a miniscule- almost undetectable- showing just how much she hoped this possibility was the reality.

"Yes, Princess, there is a possibility, but it is almost next to negligible-" Ezekiel started but was interrupted when suddenly a loud and long howl resonated in the air. Startled, both Iris and Ezekiel ran towards the window and tried to locate the source of the howl. When they did, they both gasped unanimously.

In the front balcony of the Royal Palace, standing majestically on four legs was a humongous, wolf-like creature, its claws piercing the king’s chest. Its snout was pointed up at the full moon, a victorious, howl coming from inside it's being. With a jolt, both realised who that was; Asher. He had survived the shift!

Iris had a resemblance of a relieved smile on her face, even though her father was being mauled to death. Her brother was alive and back! That was all that mattered to her at the moment. 

Ezekiel on the other hand, stared long and hard at the huge wolf, and then averted his gaze to the moon which glowed brightly as if celebrating the occasion. Even the stars seemed to twinkle more dazzlingly, following their mother Moon's lead like joyous little kids.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and placed his right hand on the left side of his chest, where his heart was coming back to its original pace from before when it had skyrocketed at the sight of Asher. 

He finally understood why Mother Lune had showed him the truth through his visions and now, he also had an explanation for the mysterious markings on his back that had appeared during the past three months. 

He smiled cryptically as he remembered the one sentence which always seemed to resonate in the background in his visions.

"The reign of the Lycans had begun......"


~Niharika P-11 ISC


On Being Infinite


I watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower at least five times before I turned twelve. There's a moment in the movie where Emma Watson stands up in a moving car in a tunnel, David Bowie's Heroes playing in the background, and the narrator states: "And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

 I chased that feeling for years. I printed the line out and stuck it to my wall. I daydreamed about a life in which I was sixteen, where I had friends, a boyfriend who looked like Logan Lerman, a car, a tunnel, and above all a life that was shot from four angles, edited professionally, and set to an immaculate soundtrack.

 I'm going to be sixteen for one more month. So far, surprisingly enough, I have not transformed into a gorgeous 21 year old actress. These past few years have been comprised mainly of moments I would never put in a movie; how many hours do most coming of age films spend on sitting around in your bedroom feeling bored?

 I stopped actively thinking about my perfect movie future a while ago. I figured it wouldn't happen - stuff like that doesn't happen in real life. I tore down the quotes on my walls and painted them white. A blank slate - except I didn't put anything up. I spent a year or so way too jaded for someone barely into teenage, so consciously aware of my lack of a need to romanticise my life that I ended up making it seem a lot more bleak than it was. 

 And then, somewhere along the line, I started living instead. On the doorstep of seventeen, I'm realising that I've been having moments where I feel infinite all my life. I don't have the boyfriend yet, or the perfect angles to be filmed from. I'm starting to realise I never really wanted any of that. You don't get a music director adding a soundtrack to your life, but you can listen to music if you want to. And I like picking my music.

 I have things on my walls now. Art my friends made for me, pictures I like, poetry I love. I didn't put any of it up there because it's who I want to be in four years - I put it up there because it's who I am right now. When I look at my walls now, I don't get lost in dreams of a future. I get up and dance.

 I will never be Emma Watson's character in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. My story has a lot more sitting around in my bedroom feeling bored, a lot less cars and tunnels and David Bowie. But that's okay, because her life ends when the story does, and my life is more than a story.

~Brishti Chakraborthy- AS Level

Thursday, January 6, 2022


I thought my pet was ordinary until she turned four months old. Sunshine is a small puppy for her age and until recently I thought she was just too ordinary. 

On the morning of her four month birthday I found that she had somehow woken up in the backyard instead of in her bed. The first unusual thing I noticed about Sunshine was when I was brushing her fur. I found something that looked strangely like pixie dust. Then the truly weird thing happened. 

I was taking Sunshine for her morning walk and suddenly a black car zoomed past us and somebody called for help. Sunshine suddenly started running, dragging me along with her and raced after the car! Now, usually Sunshine is a good little puppy and listens to me but not today! When she started running I shouted and screamed myself hoarse for her to stop but it was like Sunshine had some super speed. Seconds later we had actually caught up with the car! 

Sunshine bit at the handle of the car and yanked it open! Out tumbled none other than the daughter of the mayor of the city! Her name was Sophia and she thanked both of us. Then what happened is unbelievable! Sunshine talked! She told me that she was a special species of puppies who are magical and only get their powers when they turn four months old! 

Now I know that Sunshine truly is a special puppy. Sophia went back home and she bestowed upon Sunshine the title, ‘Dog of the City’! Sunshine is the most special puppy a person could ever have.

~Siri Kashyap - 5LS



Once upon a time, five kingdoms ruled together. Avalor, Beliza, Denmor, Moraio and Pavis.

There were five princesses in all. They had a sleepover at the kingdom of Avalor. It was three miles away for each princess to get there.

But on the same day, the wicked witch of the North was not invited. She was very angry, so she called the witches from the East, West and South. She said, “Let’s take down their kingdoms and rule them because they killed our sister from the centre of the Earth”. Then all the witches agreed and said, “Yes, let’s do it!”. So they headed towards the kingdom of Avalor with their magic broom sticks. 

After some time, the princesses finally reached the kingdom of Avalor with their guards. By then, it was dinner time. The queen said, “Let’s have dinner”. So they finished their dinner. Then the princesses of Denmor said thanks for having them there, to the queen. The queen acknowledged with a smile and went off to sleep. The princesses played some games and after that, they went to bed too. 

By then the witches had arrived. They planned to poison the princesses, put the queen in jail and take over the crown of Avalor.

To enter the kingdom, they had to first kill the guards. So one of the witches turned into an old lady, went up to the front gate and asked the guards to open the door. But the guards questioned, “What’s your name?” 

She told, “I am the North lady”. So the guards said okay, and they opened the gates. She went inside with a poisoned apple, but when she reached the princesses’ rooms, she realised she had picked up the wrong apple. She headed back to the gate to fetch the right one. 

This time the guard felt something was fishy. They didn’t agree to let her in. She tried convincing them, telling that she was one of the princesses' grandmother, and had come to give her an apple. 

The guard asked her to first take a bite. Now that the apple was poisoned, the witchin disguise vanished as soon as she took a bite of the apple.  The guards put all the witches to jail and the princesses lived happily ever after.

Moral: Never try to trick someone or else you will only get tricked.

~Shiyana Purushotham - 3LS



I thought my pet was ordinary until the 6th of December in 2020.

It started out like any other day, where I get up, freshen up and do my daily routine. I actually had a play date planned, but suddenly my friend texted me saying that she wouldn’t make it.

I felt so sad when I heard that. My parents were outside, so I just went to the living room and started weeping and crying. Suddenly, I saw my pet fish trying to signal me. When I turned, I saw my pet fish trying to entertain me with a special show!!

I cheered up when I saw my pet doing all sorts of tricks. I felt so happy and emotional seeing this. That was the day I realized my pet fish was not just a fish, but also had the capability to cheer up people.

After that, I had a great time knowing that my pet fish would always be there for me.

~Nirantara Shivamurty - 5LS

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Beginning

I see her knelt in the corner of the room, hurt, gently tending to her bruises. I feel her presence, though she is only barely visible. She is barely visible through the dense darkness of this place. It has taken over the space, binding her down, stifling her, pushing her down to the ground.

I sense its instincts. I feel its desire to choke her. Its desire to handle by brute force. Its desire to show her her inferiority. I see her bow down to its evil touch to save her own life. 

Time has passed and has done its work. Time works to heal in nature, but she appears to be calm in her pain now. I sit and watch as the darkness pushes down on her mercilessly. It appears as though she has given in to its power. She was born as an innocent little flame with a blindingly blight glow, filled with freedom. 

Now, she only feels pain. She was taken advantage of. She has seen the cruelty of the darkness in its relentless, undying presence, forever ready to prove to her the weakness of her natural form. I watch without movement, without thought. She wavers in her tender form. I sense her thought. She wants to submit to the darkness, for she can bear it no longer.

Somehow, finding one last ray of hope in the room filled with darkness, she looks to me. She beckons at me, noticing that I intend no harm. She is scared, but I feel the warmth in her. I feel it penetrate the space around me. She whispers and pleads for help but all I do is watch, helplessly. All she can do is whisper, for her voice was stolen from her. 

I watch her. Finally, I see the glow in her eyes subside. Her tears seem to be frozen. I sense the bitter cold in the room. The last remnants of warmth that emanate from her disappear. The darkness has been awakened. I was her last opportunity. The last name she could call out in desperation was mine. I didn’t respond when she did. Now, the darkness consumes the area, the horror of his gaze striking her body with the intent to harm.

I sense her thought. I sense a presence withing her take birth. I haven’t seen anything of this nature yet. It is new to the world that surrounds her. She embraces its power, in whatever strange form that it was born within her with. Now, for the first time, she grows. Her presence expands, and so does the glow of her form. She is fire, and now, she knows her power. She once looked to me in desperation, but I had stayed quiet. Quiet in his presence, the darkness. Now, she knows that I am of no use to her. She has found strength within herself, untainted by the world that surrounds her. 

Her presence is no longer a gentle warmth that gives out light. She is furious and her warmth singes my skin. Her glow blinds my eyes. The darkness feels fear for the first time in his life. She enjoys her power, clutching on to it. That power is her. The world watches in awe.

~Samarth Sathvik – 10 C

(Creative Writing- Select a thing and personify it. Focus on its movements, shape and strength.)

Saturday, November 13, 2021



Light. Blinding, bright light took over the world. I sat there, munching on some delicious candy, when it seemed like god had stepped onto earth. I was enveloped in bright red light and I stopped thinking for a second. I just sat at my desk, watching in awe. After about 10 seconds, it stopped. I couldn’t think. I was frozen in fear and excitement. I had never witnessed such an event and even history didn’t have any record of such an event. I sat there, flabbergasted, when someone shook me. I almost jumped out of my seat. It was my friend. His face was pale with fear, like he had seen something horrific. He pointed his shaking finger towards the window which looked out over the street. I looked out only to see the most horrific sight I had ever seen. Small, goblin-like creatures filled the streets. The people were nowhere to be seen. I stood there, my eyes red with fear and despair. 

I was horrified. I stood there, deep in thought. I looked around to see that everyone in my class was safe. The reality of it all dawned upon me. This could be the end of humanity! We could be the last people on earth! I quickly recollected my thoughts and gathered everyone in the class. Everyone was horror-struck. I went around, trying to help everyone recollect themselves. We realised we were humanity’s only hope. We had to save our race. 

When everyone seemed to be back to normal, we heard something on the other side of the door.  A loud, irritating sound. Like someone, or something, was scratching on the door. We all armed ourselves with whatever we could find. The door came crashing down. The goblinlike creature entered our classroom. Everyone stood their ground, their bodies shaking with the fear of the unknown. The diminutive creature growled at us. We all rushed towards it, together, and forced it away. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Butwe all knew that the worst was yet to come. 

We realised that we were surrounded by these nightmarish creatures on all sides and we were trapped in our school. Everyone felt despondent, we feared for our lives. I realised that we couldn’t sit around and wait for help. There might be no one to help us. I went around trying to get everyone’s hopes up. We had to find a way to survive in this hellish world. And we were not going to go down without a fight. We had to abandon our pusillanimous selves and be brave. The world wasn’t going to give itself back to humans. We had to take it back. With this resolution, we all prepared. Prepared for the fight for humanity. Humanity’s last stand.

~Sagar V – 10 C

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Reasons


Locks of hair fall, covering my vision as I try to read the words on the paper in front of me. Through the thin strands of hair, I read the words, “Group Assignment”. It had to be a group assignment. With resentment, I lay back on my chair. I remove my glasses to clean the fog off of them. I can clearly see without them, but I wear them nonetheless. What’s the point anyways? If I wear them or not, no one is there to notice.  

What’s the point of friends? 

I look around and see my classmates happily scurry around, snatching people to form groups. I sit there silently, knowing I will end up alone, as always. Nothing has changed. Middle school was the same. High school will end similarly. Tattoos, piercings, longer hair, none of it changed anything. No one noticed. No one cares. What’s the point anyways? 

What’s the point of doing anything? 

I try to loosen the tie around my neck as it itches and rashes the skin around, but I stop immediately. I just need to bear it a little longer. While I am at school, I have to hide the peeking tattoos around my neck. What started as a way to fit in, to be normal, now lingers around my throat as a nook. It doesn’t make me cool, it makes me weird; an outcast. That’s all I am: the person no one needs in their lives. I continue to drip in the sweat and uncomfortably live with my decisions. What’s the point anyways. 

What’s the point of life anyways? 

Screech. Bang. Bang. Bang. Thud. Tables join around my lonely corner sheepishly. The startle made me drop the pouch I was holding. “What are you doing? Be more careful!”, yells Hiori, as she snatches the pouch from the floor and searches through it for something. “Ugh, why do you not even have a pencil here?! I need a pencil, come on! we need to finish this project!”, she retorts. Toshi hands her a pencil and asks her to relax. He leans over and says something about her to me. Both of us start to giggle. If only my old self could see my laugh. 

Friends help. Whenever, wherever, and for whatever it takes.  

“Hey! Stop it and start helping both of you!”, snaps Yuki, as she grabs a ruler and starts drawing lines on a piece of paper. I take out the textbooks and start reading out the answers as they hurry and haphazardly note it down. Locks fall and cover my vision. I pull them back and quickly put them together with a band Hiori hands me. The pulled back hair shows off my piercings. Four on each ear. It doesn’t matter if it looks cool or not. If only my old self could see me confident. 

You live until you find a reason, and everything you do suddenly has a meaning.

 Toshi groans and complains about the heat. He gets up and takes off his blazer and loosens his tie. I follow suit. The tattoo, now seen clearly, confidently reigns around my neck. The wind feels good and I can finally focus on the work on hand. With my friends. Working with my friends. The thought alone made a smile crack. Slowly, a tear trickled down the side of my cheek. “Izumi! What happened? Why are you crying? Are you okay?” Hiori spammed me with questions. I laugh it off and ask her to relax. People care now. My friends care. If only my old self could see me. See me happy. See me living, not suffering. See me with people I love. See me be helpful. 

It has only been three months and nothing seems the same. My glasses fog up and I remove them to clean them. What I see through the glasses is the old me. This is all that is left of ‘him’. I wish I could meet him and tell him that things change. That I am not alone anymore. That I am not an outcast anymore. I fold them and keep them in my bag. The old me is gone. Forever. 

You live to find people you love and people who love you and live happily ever after.

~Manav Jain - AS Level

The Fantasy Adventure


Hello! I am Diplomon, the Diplodocus. I have so many friends to introduce to you today. You already know Brachiomon- the Brachiosaurus, Stegomon Stegosaurus and Brontomon- the Brontosaurus. My other friends are  Apatomon- the Apatosaurus,  Poseidonomon- the Sauroposeidon, Titanomon- the Titanosaurus, Seismon- the Seismosaurus, Trikomon- the Triceratops; Toromon- the Torosaurus, Kentromon- the Kentrosaurus, Styracomon- the Styracosaurus,  Melanomon- the Melanorosaurus and Elemon- the Elephant. 

(Sound of a key falling) 

Diplomon: Hey guys, I think a key was dropped in our Bedroom! 

Elemon: I’ll go check it. Wow! A Diamond key! I got to show this to everyone. Hey everyone, this is a Diamond key! 

All: Wow! 

Elemon: Stegomon, keep this key safe. We might need it. 

(Thud coming from outside) 

Diplomon: Let us all go and check. All: Wow! A golden door! 

Stegomon: Let me try to open it…. It worked! 

Diplomon: All right everyone, let us go to the Fantasy empire!  We have landed in the Kingdom of Computers. 

Kentromon: Wow! There are robots instead of real animals! How cool! Brachiomon: Hey Mr. Robot can we stay here for the night? 

Mr. Robot: Sure Mr. Brachiosaurus, you and your friends can stay for the night. Let me show your room…… Your room number is 200. 

Diplomon: Thanks Mr. Robot! 

Brontomon: Okay guys, it’s almost afternoon. Let us eat lunch now. 

(After eating lunch) 

Diplomon: Let us learn some computer. Hey! Are they using Windows 11 Insider Preview Beta?! Awesome! 

Apatomon: Diplomon, what is so special about Windows 11? 

Kentromon: Windows 11 features fluent design system, rounded corners like Windows 7, new and bouncy animations, and better security unlike Windows 10, It features Metro design which is not favourable and outdated animations and it also featured not-favourable sharp corners. 

Melanomon: Thanks for the information, Kentromon! I can’t wait to try it out! Can I try it out Diplomon? 

Diplomon: Sure ! You can try it out. 

(After hours of everyone using computer)

Seismon: Ughh! I think we all should sleep since it’s 22:00. I am feeling kind of sleepy. 

Toromon: Yeah, me too. I think we should sleep. 

Titanomon: Yeah. 

Styracomon: (Yawning) Yeah. I am going to sleep now. 

Poseidonomon: Uh I am going to sleep down since the room is lacking a bed for me. 

Diplomon: Good Night everyone! (All snoring).

 (The Next day)

Good morning, everyone! 

All: Good morning Diplomon! 

Stegomon: Let us all fresh up and go downstairs to have breakfast. 

(After having breakfast)

Brachiomon: Woah! I hear another thud outside as we did yesterday! Let’s check out. 

Diplomon: The door to the Kingdom of Sweets! Let us all go there!

Kentromon: But it’s locked. 

Stegomon: Don’t worry, I’ll try the key we got at home. (Tries the key): It worked! We can go to the Kingdom  of Sweets! All: Wow! Everything is made of Candy and chocolate. 

Diplomon: Yeah, that’s why it’s called the Kingdom of Sweets. 

Trikomon: Be careful everyone! I see blood. I also heard BigAL has been restored. BigAL and BigTREX maybe lurking behind the bushes and may try to Ambush us. 

Toromon: Yeah. 

Diplomon: Oh no! They both are standing right in front of us! How did you both get here? 

Carnivores: We took the help of CarniDoc to ambush the peace guard. But we can only travel to fantasy kingdoms or our Jurassic and Cretaceous home back and forth.  

Titanomon: That’s it! We Sauropods will deal with BigAL while the rest of you use your weapons to fight BigTREX. 

(During the fight)

Diplomon: You have made one big mistake dealing with us BigAL! 

(All sauropods stamping and killing BigAL)

We killed BigAL! Now let us join the other Dinosaurs dealing with BigTREX. And the CarniDoc is also next to him, let us kill both so that BigAL and BigTREX can’t be restored. 

Trikomon: You have made one mistake dealing with us BigTREX! (Using the horns and killing BigTREX and CarniDoc) Whew! No more Carnivorous Dinosaurs. Let us eat everything as everything is made of Dark Chocolate and Raw Mango Candy. 

(After feasting on the whole place till only the original land is left)

All: We sure had a lot of fun today! 

Brontomon: Hey I see a door to our house. Let us go to our house quickly before we spot another carnivore. 

All: Whew! We are home. Let us do something regular. 

That’s it my friends! See you in the next story!

~Aditya Shastry C, 5LS