Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Fantasy Adventure


Hello! I am Diplomon, the Diplodocus. I have so many friends to introduce to you today. You already know Brachiomon- the Brachiosaurus, Stegomon Stegosaurus and Brontomon- the Brontosaurus. My other friends are  Apatomon- the Apatosaurus,  Poseidonomon- the Sauroposeidon, Titanomon- the Titanosaurus, Seismon- the Seismosaurus, Trikomon- the Triceratops; Toromon- the Torosaurus, Kentromon- the Kentrosaurus, Styracomon- the Styracosaurus,  Melanomon- the Melanorosaurus and Elemon- the Elephant. 

(Sound of a key falling) 

Diplomon: Hey guys, I think a key was dropped in our Bedroom! 

Elemon: I’ll go check it. Wow! A Diamond key! I got to show this to everyone. Hey everyone, this is a Diamond key! 

All: Wow! 

Elemon: Stegomon, keep this key safe. We might need it. 

(Thud coming from outside) 

Diplomon: Let us all go and check. All: Wow! A golden door! 

Stegomon: Let me try to open it…. It worked! 

Diplomon: All right everyone, let us go to the Fantasy empire!  We have landed in the Kingdom of Computers. 

Kentromon: Wow! There are robots instead of real animals! How cool! Brachiomon: Hey Mr. Robot can we stay here for the night? 

Mr. Robot: Sure Mr. Brachiosaurus, you and your friends can stay for the night. Let me show your room…… Your room number is 200. 

Diplomon: Thanks Mr. Robot! 

Brontomon: Okay guys, it’s almost afternoon. Let us eat lunch now. 

(After eating lunch) 

Diplomon: Let us learn some computer. Hey! Are they using Windows 11 Insider Preview Beta?! Awesome! 

Apatomon: Diplomon, what is so special about Windows 11? 

Kentromon: Windows 11 features fluent design system, rounded corners like Windows 7, new and bouncy animations, and better security unlike Windows 10, It features Metro design which is not favourable and outdated animations and it also featured not-favourable sharp corners. 

Melanomon: Thanks for the information, Kentromon! I can’t wait to try it out! Can I try it out Diplomon? 

Diplomon: Sure ! You can try it out. 

(After hours of everyone using computer)

Seismon: Ughh! I think we all should sleep since it’s 22:00. I am feeling kind of sleepy. 

Toromon: Yeah, me too. I think we should sleep. 

Titanomon: Yeah. 

Styracomon: (Yawning) Yeah. I am going to sleep now. 

Poseidonomon: Uh I am going to sleep down since the room is lacking a bed for me. 

Diplomon: Good Night everyone! (All snoring).

 (The Next day)

Good morning, everyone! 

All: Good morning Diplomon! 

Stegomon: Let us all fresh up and go downstairs to have breakfast. 

(After having breakfast)

Brachiomon: Woah! I hear another thud outside as we did yesterday! Let’s check out. 

Diplomon: The door to the Kingdom of Sweets! Let us all go there!

Kentromon: But it’s locked. 

Stegomon: Don’t worry, I’ll try the key we got at home. (Tries the key): It worked! We can go to the Kingdom  of Sweets! All: Wow! Everything is made of Candy and chocolate. 

Diplomon: Yeah, that’s why it’s called the Kingdom of Sweets. 

Trikomon: Be careful everyone! I see blood. I also heard BigAL has been restored. BigAL and BigTREX maybe lurking behind the bushes and may try to Ambush us. 

Toromon: Yeah. 

Diplomon: Oh no! They both are standing right in front of us! How did you both get here? 

Carnivores: We took the help of CarniDoc to ambush the peace guard. But we can only travel to fantasy kingdoms or our Jurassic and Cretaceous home back and forth.  

Titanomon: That’s it! We Sauropods will deal with BigAL while the rest of you use your weapons to fight BigTREX. 

(During the fight)

Diplomon: You have made one big mistake dealing with us BigAL! 

(All sauropods stamping and killing BigAL)

We killed BigAL! Now let us join the other Dinosaurs dealing with BigTREX. And the CarniDoc is also next to him, let us kill both so that BigAL and BigTREX can’t be restored. 

Trikomon: You have made one mistake dealing with us BigTREX! (Using the horns and killing BigTREX and CarniDoc) Whew! No more Carnivorous Dinosaurs. Let us eat everything as everything is made of Dark Chocolate and Raw Mango Candy. 

(After feasting on the whole place till only the original land is left)

All: We sure had a lot of fun today! 

Brontomon: Hey I see a door to our house. Let us go to our house quickly before we spot another carnivore. 

All: Whew! We are home. Let us do something regular. 

That’s it my friends! See you in the next story!

~Aditya Shastry C, 5LS

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