Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Chapter 1- Going to the Black Sea

Ah! Good Morning friends, ready for a new adventure? asked Teplomon. Yes Teplomon, said Benjamin. So quick? Let me sleep, said Ratilion lying on the bed. Oh, come on Ratilion.. said Benjamin, we should solve the mission which no one could solve, THE HAUNTED CASTLE in the BLACK SEA. Ahh yes… wait.. are we going there now? asked Ratilion. Yes, said their pet parrot Templeton. You better get ready Ratilion!

Chapter-2 The Haunted Castle!!

Ah... here we are, said Benjamin. Yikes, this house is made up of bones! Freaked out the 3 pirates. Bye Bye, I am out of here, screamed Ratilton . But what? He could not go out. There was a board that said welcome to HAUNTED CASTLE. They saw it but didn’t see the words written in small words. It said If you enter you won’t get out of here until you finish the mission’. Now they realized there are a few bones fallen on the ground. What will we do!

Chapter 3- Meeting their enemy 

When the 3 pirates were like statues, another group of pirates came to solve this mission. Templeton, the parrot whispered to Benjamin… ‘Our enemies’. They turned to see their enemy, who was Trymon, Drymon, and Crymon. They screamed (together) ‘You!’. Ohh, so you are here to solve the mission? said Trymon, the leader of his group. ‘Once I finish this mission I will be rich!. Hahaha, you losers can’t defeat the great me. Teplomon, the leader of his group said ‘Don't judge a group by its looks’.

Chapter 4- Entrance

Okay, then team... let's solve this mission! Said both of the leaders. There were 2 doors. Trymon’s team chose the second door. So, no choice left but Teplomon’s team to choose the first door. After they entered the HAUNTED CASTLE, no one could see the other team. 

Chapter 5- Ghosts, skeletons, yikes!

After they entered the castle the wooden door broke and a brick door came in its place. The castle smelled worse than the garbage. We are going to die, we are going to die, whispered the parrot, Templeton. Keep quiet Templeton, said Benjamin. There were loud creepy sounds, blood scattered in the corners, skeletons dancing. When the team put 1 step front, there was a trap door and they fell in it! Then from nowhere, a ghost started chasing them! They ran into graveyards, a thousand steps, stairs, dark rooms, but still, the ghost did not go…

Chapter 6- A little clue


How will we escape? screamed the team. Teplomon heard some kind of mouse sound squeaking in a low voice hehe and some kind of a mouse tail, but who was it? He told his mates to hide to tell some important information. All of them were told at once ‘time to activate invisibility’ and the ghost lost its track. 

 Chapter 7- Inaction!

Teplomon said everything to his mates. O no not that guy, said Ratilion let us teach him a lesson this instant, said Benjamin and Ratilion. ‘Nonono, I have an idea. Teplomon said, with a mischievous smile. On invisibility shouted all together and the ghost started chasing them. Go, Templeton said Teplomon. Ratilion and Benjamin, positions! Said Teplomon and took a long rope. The ghost was confused. Teplomon passed his rope to Templeton and he rounded the ghost and gave the 2 ends to Benjamin and Ratilion. They rounded the ghost more and more. Teplomon stood in his place To get hold of the ghost. Benjamin and Ratilion pulled the 2 ends and the ghost was in their hands!

Chapter 8- The crime

When they opened the white, black and red cloth, who was it, but Drymon, one of Trymon’s servants. Drymon took them to Trymon. When Trymon and Crymon saw this, they were shocked! Then Teplomon asked, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Benjamin and Ratilion are ready to smash them. To earn money! We were the person who did this. To tell everyone in the city that you were behind this. Ohh, Okay not you will earn a lot of hits in the Police station and they were arrested. The HAUNTED HOUSE was broken to pieces and was never heard. Teplomon’s team was rewarded with a new ship! Trymon screamed, We Will Meet Again!. Happy days came and all of them were in peace.

~Anvitha Srinivas, 5LS


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