Showing posts with label Guru Speak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guru Speak. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2021



When consequences of a person or group’s action inadvertently harm someone else, there may be a moral responsibility on each one of us,  though the one causing the harm had neither any intention to cause so much harm nor realize the repercussions.

In schools, we teachers are preparing our young students for adulthood and career. Undoubtedly, many will be seen in  higher positions in their chosen fields.

When a product of our institutions acts in ways that are truly beneficial to those over whom they have influence and authority, we can conclude with certainty that our teaching has borne fruit. When they act out of ignorance and cause harm , we teachers may indeed share in their ethical flaws.

Education in  schools  is an agent of change. It develops concern for justice and equality and passion for peace. We can create a framework to not only help them imbibe skills through emotional learning, but see that it will help children become ready for their future and  also help them build a strong character and identity.

~Ms.Radha Swaminathan Senior Teacher

Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Grade 4B students conducted a special assembly event on 28th July 2021 on International Tiger’s day in the 4B homeroom. It had wonderful presentations on tigers and their welfare. The session gave a lot of information about the different tiger sanctuaries, tiger national parks, food habits, food chain of tigers, habitat, reproduction and conservation of tigers. 

Students displayed a variety in the form of a magnificent art work of a forest tiger, poem on autumn tiger, story-telling about an angry tiger, mythological significance of tiger. Last but not the least, a puppetry show based on the theme of tigers was narrated. On the whole, this assembly was very informative and enjoyable at the same time.

Report by,

~Behara Latha.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

परानु ेदिन वापस आएंगे.......


परानु ेदिन वापस आएंगे....... 

पाठशाला नहीं, परीक्षा नहीं मदानै भी खाली हो गये शिक्षा समय का वर्ग नहीं l आगनं मेंशोर नहीं l नहीं चाहियेछुट्टी ऐसी दोस्तों संग आम के लीये बाहर निकलनेका मार्ग नहीं ll ll पेडों पर हल्ला नहीं ll ll 

निस्तजे छोटेसेप्रभावहीन चेहरे वापस आयेगा पराना ु वक्त वो खानेमेरुचि नहीं l जमा हो जाएंगेपरानु ेदोस्त वो l घर लगेबंदिश जसै े साफ हाथों सेहम सारे दोस्तों का साथ नहीं ll ll भगाएंगेइस करोना को ll ll 

खिडकी सेझांकती सिर्फ थोडेही दिन बच्चों छोटी सी आखँ ेंक्या ढूँढती हैl घर मेंही खेलो

परानी ु मस्ती थोडी परानु ेदिन वापस आएंगे याद करके धीर सेहँसती हैll ll परानु ेदिन वापस आएंगेll ll 


रुचिरा काले 


My Profession

 Never had I thought that I would jump into the pool of teaching by chance and would start swimming by choice. When I stopped sitting in front of the laptop years ago and started holding a piece of chalk in my hand, never had I imagined this day would come. In the hands of nature, I would put my focus on the system again; So, one can't predict what the almighty has in store for us.  

As a teacher I enjoyed my time teaching, enacting, dancing and even being strict sometimes. Of course, there is no one way to bring discipline in pedagogy, which we as tutors thrive for. I had heard people saying that teaching is an easy job. No... definitely not, I now know! 

 As there is no specific role prescribed for us, we do all the magical things like the genie which comes out of Aladdin’s lamp. By embracing this profession of an Early Year Educator, I am now more flexible to children’s needs. 

The icing on the cake is that I am experiencing a lot of positive changes within myself! 


Ms Divyashree K M 

Early Years

New-Wave Terminologies

 Times have never been so challenging. I used to wake up each dawn with a dream that has now turned into a nightmare. Be positive, this too shall pass- is a phrase that I hear way too often these days. It’s not something recent. I wonder where I’ve heard this one before? 

On this note I travelled down memory lane. Was it during my children’s exams…child births…time to tie the knot…college politics…growing up with a sibling who I thought was loved more…or my own schooling? Yes, that’s where it all began! 

ACTIVE-Grammar was taught by the rule book and Wren & Martin was my English Bible. Lessons on ‘active and passive voice’ intrigued me and being an ACTIVE class participant made me a passionate writer. So here I am. 

POSITIVE-The only vivid memory I have of Math class is my teacher saying adding two negatives results in a larger negative while the product of two negatives is a POSITIVE! Like some of us, it took me a while to figure this one out. 

BOUNDARIES- Patterned outline maps of oceans and continents were taught on a spinning globe. Even more enthralling was when the speed of the spinning earth blended land and water bodies making all BOUNDARIES vanish. Oh, but they still exist! 

BREATH- Living things breathe-one of my earliest learnings in Science class. The where, when and how of respiration revealed more fascinating facts about something we take so much for granted, our BREATH! Thank you, God, for all the oxygen out there. 

PANDEMIC- I remember my grand mom speak about small-pox and the deadly plague. Heard the word from my History Teacher and looked up the dictionary for this one by running down my finger till I reached P-A-N-D-E-M-I-C. My turn to tell the tale now. 

4 Ps of marketing, PRODUCT-PRICE-PLACE-PROMOTION- These words are mantras picked up on my off-beaten track of Commerce. Pills and potions promising magical cures along with their astronomical price tags are being procured not just by Tom, Dick and Harry but you and me as well. Does distance make things difficult? Of course not, anything from A to Z, Amazon to the rescue. 

2019 dawned like every other year before it. Towards the end we heard a guarded whisper about a virus tentatively called COVID 19, spreading across the great wall. It didn’t bother us too much and we heralded 2020 with special celebrations and then………our lives turned around 360 degrees many times over. As a teacher it

saddens me that kids can’t go to school or enjoy their friend’s company for no fault of theirs. 

Just pick up a book and read something every day. For you never know, maybe you will pick up new meanings to the words that you already know- just like I did! 

Until then, all I have to say is- Be positive, this too shall pass! -

Ms Veena Raj 

Early Years Coordinator

To Corona, my best teacher!

 "If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” These immortal words, aptly depict the nature of human existence. Constantly striving to become stronger, richer and happier, human beings are perhaps the greediest species on the planet (a Labrador might disagree, but loving canines are excluded from this list). What happens when such a race is hit with perhaps the hardest punishment of all - that of listening to Mother Nature? Some rebel and fall by the wayside. Others quietly obey, but despise existence at a visceral level. But the best ones learn. Evolve! COVID 19 was never part of the 21st Century catalogue. 

This was supposed to be the erawhen machines finally overtook human intelligence in all, but the most sophisticated of tasks. Where science discovers the secrets of the Universe. Where war is but a tiny speck amidst the vast expanse of peaceful existence. Where the Solar System is just a stepping stone to limitless exploration. Instead, what it got was a virus that forced us to stop behaving normally. Mother Nature’s anguished rebuttal to constant abuse and misuse forced humans to consider, for the very first time in many years, that they are not at the centre of the universe. Rather, they are so fragile that a single microscopic being fundamentally could alter the ways of the world! Lives were taken away. Jobs suddenly lost value. Abruptly, the most valuable thing was a puny hand sanitiser and a cotton mask. Rich or poor, happy or sad - man was forced to accept that life would no longer be the same. Money couldn’t save people anymore. 

Neither could status. Nor was their ego of any good. So what was it then? Why did people take so long to appreciate the fact that nature doesn’t take kindly to repeated abuse? That there is a lot more to life? Or more importantly, why does it take a tragedy for people to learn? There have alwaysbeen signs. Signs that nature wants to fight back. Signs that there must be a change. But no, humans are obstinate. 2 Should they continue to be called the most intelligent creatures...or could the new definition be the most stupid ones? Time to evaluate this. It is best we live in the present. There are clouds, but where there is darkness, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. One of life’s greatest champions once said,” We either win or we learn”. In an age where morality has been at an all-time low, it is time to learn that there is more to life than justwealth and success. 

That values likekindness, selflessness, humility and gratitude are perhaps more necessary than ever before. It is time to understand that it is more important to strive for the ultimate truth: strive for peace and happiness amongst all living beings on this wonderful green planet. COVID-19 has been a severe shock, but if taken positively, has the potential to transform lives. Thank you dear virus for showing that humans are not the Best in nature’s creation. Thank you, for making the most intelligent race of creatures understand that nothing can be taken for granted. Thank you, for restoring love, compassion and kindness within countries and continents as they fight for a common cause. But most of all, thank you Corona, for teaching me the best lessons of life! Usha Rani VV English teacher Senior School Page 3

 ~Ms. Usha Rani V V

English Teacher-Senior School