Monday, November 15, 2021



When consequences of a person or group’s action inadvertently harm someone else, there may be a moral responsibility on each one of us,  though the one causing the harm had neither any intention to cause so much harm nor realize the repercussions.

In schools, we teachers are preparing our young students for adulthood and career. Undoubtedly, many will be seen in  higher positions in their chosen fields.

When a product of our institutions acts in ways that are truly beneficial to those over whom they have influence and authority, we can conclude with certainty that our teaching has borne fruit. When they act out of ignorance and cause harm , we teachers may indeed share in their ethical flaws.

Education in  schools  is an agent of change. It develops concern for justice and equality and passion for peace. We can create a framework to not only help them imbibe skills through emotional learning, but see that it will help children become ready for their future and  also help them build a strong character and identity.

~Ms.Radha Swaminathan Senior Teacher

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