Life Skills


Problem solving is defined as identifying the problem, analyzing, selecting or determining alternatives or solution; and implementing the solution. 

Understand, Plan, Solve and Check

  • Understand the problem, 

  • Devise a plan to solve the problem.

  • Implement the plan

  • Check and interpret 

I found it difficult to solve the below problem. So I implemented UPSC

Find 45%of 125

Understand the problem.

Make sure that you read the problem several times

Let x = the unknown value we are looking for.

Devise a plan

A number that is 45%of 125

x = 45100*125

Carry out the plan (Solve)

x = 0.45*125 (Multiply)

   =   56.25

Interpret and check 


~Daksh B - 4LS


  From the Counsellors Desk: 

Frost said “I took the one (road) less travelled and that has made all the difference”.

It fits aptly with the school’s motto to raise globally, emotionally, socially, responsible children who are not scared of creativity or change for they are the bearers of a New Tomorrow! 

Dear Parents,

The one-year-old initiative of Stepping Stones, has been tirelessly working towards offering the students of Deccan with utmost support and emotional care to grow and march on in their lives without fear. In the Year of 2020, the peak of the Pandemic, The School recognised how the children might be affected with complete lack of social interactions. Thus, Stepping Stones came into being, to offer children awareness, support and care!

Stepping Stones, is a group of two counsellors and a Special Educator. The goal and vision of Stepping Stones is to hold space for children and all the stakeholders involved in moulding and helping children grow. With the goal in mind and hope in our hearts, a new curriculum was developed for the year of 2020 with the theme of Intrapersonal skills, such as self-care, empathy, relationships, growth mindset, motivation and other such! The purpose was to equip children with skills to learn and explore more about themselves and offer curiosity so that they would be able to extend it to others too! We even made up a song with children on Empathy, that’s how well we were received by our students!

Holding on to the same enthusiasm and support from the students, we came up with a higher order theme for the year of 2021. Considering the lives lost, and worldwide trauma inflicted on all of humanity, this year holds space for community goals. In the month of June, we introduced to our students the idea of Mutual Respect. Roleplays, debates, videos, presentations and other such creative work was shared with our students. The intention was to instil the idea that respecting one another is a great way of offering care and making the world a kinder place for all!

July has been all about Tolerance- that is showing patience to differences and not tolerating morally unjust acts. Along with each theme introduced every month, we also are talking about CYBER SAFETY to children so as to ensure our students are safe and feel comfortable and confident in using resources from the world wide web. These sessions include, videos, ted talks, about safety and are not limited to just online resources but also using discussion boards, solving hypothetical problems and discussing major news that has affected all of us such as- social media and the endless consumption of it. We hope to raise and nourish digitally responsible and kind beings!


Here’s to hoping for creating ripples of change and kindness that is so contagious, that it is the only language we know and speak! Watch out for more from Stepping Stones!


Family Tree

Family tree (Anvitha.S)

Counselling team

Achyuth Family Tree

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