Showing posts with label Lyrical Lores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lyrical Lores. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2022



The early dark morning- the sea tides are roaring

The sun is still snoring

The seagulls are on their way 

To find their daily prey.


A thousand seashells lie on the shore

Some are multihued and some are white and strewn ashore.


Finally, the sun rose on the horizon

Its glow meant to enlighten

Now the fishermen rush out, trap the fishes

To cover many plates with delicious dishes.


~Srishti Sundar - 10 C

Journey To the Savageland


I’ll make a vehicle that can go through 

Land and water;       

One, which gets wheels on land,

The same, which gets fatter and fatter on water;


Floating through a river, passing by icy mountains and a dense forest;

I reach my destination and then rest;

The next day, I take a lens;

I search for the rare emerald.


My mind gets puzzled, but soon everything comes to sense.

I found the emerald in a chest;

I thought I was done with the quest;

A dragon woke up from the emerald        

I thought I was in trouble;

But the dragon trapped me in a bubble.


After years and years, I popped the bubble,

And heard someone call my name

I heard my mom scream

And realized all of this was a dream.


-Shreyas S J - ICSE 6C 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

My Dear Teachers

Teachers Teachers my dear teachers

Sometime you scold

Sometime you advice

So that we shine in the crowd.

   Teachers Teachers my dear teachers

    You teach us to respect 

    You teach us to be strong

    So that we become good citizens

Teachers Teachers my dear teachers

You teach us art

You teach us craft

So that we become creative

   Teachers Teachers my dear teachers

   Sometime you ask us to do

   Sometime you help us to do

   So that we become independent

Teachers Teachers my dear teachers

You develop our knowledge

You develop our confidence

So that we are courageous.

~Chirag S Pandit, 6MS


Corona the Virus

Corona the virus

Came to Cyrus

Gave him Sinus

Cyrus was smart

had taken covishield

which acted as a protective shield

He told everyone

Don’t be scared

Solutions are rare

But all the Saviors are there !

We will overcome 

This is just a Phase

God and Hope are at the pace…

~Nayana P Rao, 6MS

What is kindness?


Some choose the crowd

Some choose the heart

Some choose to be proud

Some choose knowledge to impart

It's not enough to be friendly 

you have to be a friend

Words can be deadly

It is easy to offend

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”

Why do we believe 

That words don't hurt

People can be naive

We need to be alert

When you're offered

Being right or being kind

Kindness is only chosen by a small herd

The ones who choose being right are blinded by words

Life is unfair

Yes it's very true

But let's make it fair

For the ones who are feeling blue

Kindness is not child's play,

It is a feeling

To make someone’s sadness go away

A simple smile can be healing

It’s nice to be nice

Don't waste your time

You won’t pay a hefty price

Kindness isn't a crime

To stand up for others is being bold

But it will teach you

Kindness won't give you any medals of Gold

Empathy is only chosen by a few

It's not hard

Do it from the heart 

Kindness isn't measured in yards

C’mon let's do our part!

I wrote this Poem because I got inspired by a single book. The book is known as Wonder, written by R. J. Palacio. For those who have not read it, it's really inspiring. (won't give away any spoilers!) Kindness is not something where you just say be nice. It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes. To feel how they are feeling. I think a little dose of kindness can go a long way. Just like the story “a glass of milk”, kindness is like food, it's necessary for someone, so you can push them to reach their goals, and encourage them to do their best. I got encouraged, because people get bullied, and get harsh responses, so if we try to have empathy for others, the world will definitely be a better place. 

-Mrunali Raji, 6MS

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The First Five Elements


The five elements are the reason we live.

If one of them is missing, we would not survive.

The fire ignites emotions within,

The sacred water washes away our sins.

The sky holds us all together

Like a baby held by its mother.

The air blows without any rest all the time

Like our heart beats all our lifetime.

The earth bears our weight without any complaint,

Yet we take advantage and give it more pain.

I ask you therefore, 

Please, nurture them,

Lest we all become flowers without stems.

~Srishti Sundar - 10 C

On the Cracked Pavement


On the cracked pavement,

A flower grows,

It’s almost like a sign from god…


It’s reaching out to me,

Telling me to not lose hope,

To be brave, to be strong…


It’s telling me, that if a flower

Can grow on a cracked pavement,

In a lifeless world,

It’s born to be strong,

It born to spread hope,

Even on a cracked pavement,

A flower blooms…

~Ananya Rao-AS Level




Deeper than all the bones

More painful than any wound

A cut that cannot be closed 

A scar that has reached my soul


The light begins to fade

The darkness begins to raid

Sadness wherever I go

Happiness, it ain’t coming close

I walk through these lonely shadows

Memories of you hit me like arrows

No, I didn’t ask for this

Devil has given me his evil kiss


Now I’m mourning for your loss

Tears that will never pause 

I still love you in my heart 

But it’s causing heartbreak to start


I need a little joy on my way

God, let the rest I love please stay

Your death was a huge price to pay

But you will never leave my heart any day

~Akash Kempwodeyar - 9 IGCSE.


My mind is flooded

With a thousand thoughts,

Thoughts that aren’t blessed,

They’re splattered with blood-red spots…


I try to latch on,

To those bloodied thoughts,

But time fleets on,

My fears rage on,

Until all I can do is

To steel myself,

And listen to those

Calming taps on my head,

And slowly, the world darkens,

The night sinks into me,

As those spots of blood,

Become one with me…

~Ananya Rao - AS Level

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Memories are heartbeats

Sounding through the years...

Echoes Never fading

Of our smiles and our tears...


Moments that are captured

Sometimes Unaware…

Pictured in a album

Or a lock of hair…


Images that linger deep within the mind

Bit of verse we cherished...

Once upon a time

Through the musty hallways

Of the day we knew…

Ever comes the vision beautiful and true…


Memories are roses

Blooming evermore…

Memories are lights that burn

Keeping our heart alive…

~ Pradheesh M.V.R - 9IG                                                                                 


Paper Boat

As small as I am, I still float

No matter how the tide turns,

I must if it is today,

Sink or float


I am but a paper boat,

I float in small streams.

Following the twists and turns,

Of the dancing stream.


I don’t see a sudden drop,

I don’t see an unexpected change in my course,

But then again I think, nor do I see a steady path.


It is all in that moment,

Where you don’t see anything, 

If it’s a sudden drop, or an unexpected change in the tide,

Because no matter how hard you try, how prepared you are,

A stream always finds a way, and it’s not always on your side.


But it’s just a matter of hope, 

And if you have hope,

Then even in a puddle,

A paper boat will float.


And as of now,when nothing is clear,

And the future is as unpredictable as the sea,

All I can do now is to hold on to what I hold dear,

To live in this moment,and dream about

 what my future holds for me…


~Ananya Rao - AS Level