Showing posts with label Inkology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inkology. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2022

I Love Offline Classes


  • During offline classes, I loved P.E which we did offline, the games we played and so on.

  • During offline classes, I loved the activities we did like combined learning and so on.

  • During offline classes, I loved the physical interaction with my teachers and my  friends.

  • During offline classes I love the physical teaching- like writing on the board and copying it.

  • During offline classes, I loved our new classroom.

I will never even think of going back to online school!


~Harshal Chowdary-3JS

The Sun As A Source Of Energy



The energy we get from the sun is called solar energy. Solar energy is a renewable energy because it will never end as long as the sun remains.

Solar energy is also pollution free because there are no harmful gases, chemicals,  or fly ash produced. Solar energy is the energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy with the help of photovoltaic cells.

The production cost of solar energy is zero. A photovoltaic cell can produce even in low sunlight so there is no cut in energy even on a rainy or cloudy day.

Plants also use a process called photosynthesis to make food. During photosynthesis, plants use the energy of the sun to change water and carbon dioxide into a sugar called glucose. Starch is stored in seeds and other plant parts as a food source.

~Gautham Reddy, 3JS

Le Chien


~Arya Chakravarti 7LS

Mere Academic Knowledge Does Not Constitute Intelligence

This topic came up for discussion when we did the lesson on Akbar and Birbal. I totally agree with this statement. Just because we know everything related to academic content, it doesn’t mean we have conquered intelligence itself! I think intelligence is far beyond academic intelligence.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you have mastered your previous academic test, and you think you know everything. One day, you go out to buy some vegetables. Now, you know how to handle money and how to speak properly due to your math and English. But what if a robber robbed you and took all your money? You don’t know what to do, because your syllabus hasn’t covered this

Something similar (but not so dramatic) happened to me earlier and I got out of it, definitely by not using academic intelligence. In conclusion, I agree with the statement - intelligence covers way more than just academic intelligence.

~Sanath Nagesh Sharma 6MS

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Hot Wheels

One day when I went to my friend's house. He had bought toy cars and a track. It had a sling attached to the front part of the track. 

When we put the car there and tie the rubber band and let it go, it will give a boost to the car.  We can also customize the track with loopty loops and more.

He actually had a collection of these. There are lamborghinis, Bugatti’s, Ferrari’s and F1 cars. 

One day, while we had gone shopping I spotted the same cars there. I was excited. I asked my mother if she could buy them. She thought about it and then said yes. Then I started a collection of my own. 

Now I have over 100 cars and some unique ones- like one that twists and turns and a Ford Mustang with an open roof top, a BMW bike, a Ducati bike and a yellow color Lamborghini Aventador. 

Even though we moved from the USA to India I bought it here and still have it for remembrance.

~Srikara Pramod- 5LS

A Perfect Dinner

I loved cooking when I was young. Once I thought of giving a treat to my family by cooking dinner. I told my mom about it and thankfully she agreed if I would do it under her guidance. I agreed to her. I started cooking with my mom at 7:00pm.I made machos soup. Then for starter I made French fries with my brand new air fryer. Then for the main dish I made my favorite dish-”Paneer curry with rotis”.For the desert  I made a three layer cake with ice cream and chocolate syrup .I was pleased with myself. I laid the the table with decorative glass, spoons, forks, cups and bowls. Then everybody tasted my dish and so did I. We were happily eating dinner. Everybody told they loved my dishes. I was very very happy and of course proud of myself. It was a Perfect dinner with my family and I had a memorable day!!

~Shaarvi A. N, 5LS

Nirantara and the music journey

Since I was a small girl, I have always dreamed of becoming a famous singer. One night, I was lying down on my bed and listening to soft music playing from my headphones. Then as I closed my eyes, my dream was actually starting to come true!!

I found myself in a caravan with my cousin brother, my little sister and my older brother. We were driving to a cave filled with precious gems. As we were coming back, we saw a person holding some posters and oh my god! I couldn’t believe it!!It was from my dream channel called the Voice Kids!! He approached us and asked if any of us were interested in auditioning. I immediately stepped forward and happily said yes! 

When we reached home, I told my parents about it. They immediately agreed. They auditioned me for The Voice Kids and soon enough, it was the day of my first performance! I was super excited and nervous at the same time. As I walked to the stage, I gathered all my strength and started singing and to my surprise, all the judges turned their chairs around which means they loved it! 

I was so happy at the moment and as a bonus, I was in the Voice kids! Just then, my mom walked in and removed my headphones and told me to sleep and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was so excited to resume my dream!!

The end

Nirantara Shivamurty,5LS

Colourful India

India is called colourful thanks to its festivals, fashion, cities, etc. People keep many diyas on Diwali. They keep many colourful electric lights too. All the houses would be very colourful and decorated during Diwali. People bring coloured water on Holi and spray it on everybody. The place would be full of different colours after the event! Some people also do puja on Holi. People also wear different colourful clothes in different parts of the country. In Tamil Nadu (in South India).

Women wear sarees and men wear dhotis and shirts. In Punjab (in north india), men wear kurtas and turban, and women wear salwars. In India, even the food is colourful. People in different parts of the country eat different foods. In North India, People eat Chole Bature, Dal Bati Churma, Aloo Paratha, Roti Sabji, etc. In South India, people eat dosa with sambar and chutney, idli, idiyapppam, rice, etc. Even the cities in India have colourful buildings in streets and main roads. India grows many different colourful spices too.

~Mukunda M Krishna- 5LS


Books are undeniably a blessing to humankind. And books being useful for us in many ways have earned the title of our best friend. Libraries are the storehouse of books of several genres where interested readers can spend time reading in silence or can borrow books by being a member of that library. Through this practice of reading, we humans also display a greater sense of being civilized.

There are individuals like myself who like to collect books, especially story books or novels. And this habit of mine has turned my house into a small library in itself. I know many other readers who share this same obsession with reading books and collecting them. My conversions with them mostly revolve around the plot, the character development, the writing style of the authors, and other aspects of books.

~Divit V Bohra ,5LS

An ink bottle

There is an ink bottle on the study table in my room. There is blue ink in it. It is for Parker ink pens- Parker Quink. To use it, we have a lever-like thing in the pen. Just pull that, and the ink will be filled. If it was in another room, like the hall, kitchen or the bedroom, then it would be difficult for me to fill the ink in the pen. Also, it would not be good as stationary things should always be in the study room or the Drawing room. It shines when light falls on it. Instead of getting many other refills, I use that.

~ Akshaj Kulkarni,5LS

Super Study Skills


Qu'est-ce que tu préfères : la classe à distance



la classe présentielle ? 

Pourquoi ?

Bonjour je m’appelle Daksh et je suis en dixième.  Moi, je préfère la classe à distance qui est  facile à assister et à apprendre. On peut mieux comprendre en classe virtuelle/ en ligne grâce aux méthodes ou des outils dont les professeurs se servent. Les sujets comme la biologie, les langues deviennent faciles à comprendre parce que des outils en ligne : des vidéos et des présentations que le professeur  présente rendre le sujet plus compréhensible et interactif. Mais pour les sujets comme les mathématiques, c’est difficile à comprendre après avoir fait plus d’attention.

Les classes présentielles ne sont pas mauvaises mais selon moi, les classes en ligne vont bien. On peut rester à la maison et on n’a pas besoin de sortir pour de petits boulots. On peut assister aux cours même si les conditions météorologiques ne vont pas bien. Génial, n’est- ce pas?

On peut facilement contacter les professeurs, si on a un doute. On peut envoyer un message par whatsapp ou un mél.  Les classes en ligne peuvent être enregistrées pour des besoins futurs ce qui facilite les révisions. 

La classe en ligne économise du temps des étudiants ce qu'ils pourraient utiliser pour d’autres activités productives comme la méditation ou lire un roman. Mais il y a aussi des inconvénients. Premièrement, quelquefois l’internet ne marche bien à cause duquel l’apprenant manque la classe ou  il ne peut pas faire attention à la classe. Deuxièmement, c'est facile de se distraire dans la classe en ligne parce qu’on est à la maison, un lieu de détente. Enfin, Internet offre tout aux apprenants sous un ''clic". Donc, c’est difficile de distinguer ce qui est bon et ce qui est mauvais entre les choix innombrables devant l'écran. 

Mais je fais attention à ma classe et c’est pourquoi je préfère les classes à distance.



Daksh M Jain -10 ICSE


CASSE- TETE (Puzzle)

Les monuments français:


  • Ce monument est à l’est de la France (This monument is in eastern France)
  • Il commence par la lettre M- at se termine par la lettre -L (It begins with the letter M and ends with the letter L)
  • Il est situé près de la mer de la Manche. ( It is located near the English Channel)
  • Il est proche de la ville de Rennes (It is close to the city of Rennes  

Ans. Mont- Saint Michel   



  • Il est célèbre parce qu’il penche. (it is famous because it is leaning)
  • Il est en marbre (it is made of marble)
  • C’est une haute tour (it is very tall)
  • Il est situé en Italie (it is located in Italy)

Ans. La tour penchée de pise


  • C'est un musée en France.
  • C'est le musée le plus visité au monde.
  • Il y a beaucoup de peintures et de statues au musée

Ans. Le musée du Louvre.



  • C'est une église de couleur blanche à 3 dômes, située à Paris.
  • Le monument est complété en 1923. 
  • Le monument se traduit en « Sacred heart ».

Ans. Sacré-Cœur

Les apprenants de français 

(French learners)


Les professions


·      Qui enseigne des matières à l’école (Who teaches subjects)

·      Qui enseigne l’étudiant  (Who teaches students)

·      Ils travaillent souvent en classe (They often work in class)

·      Ils font confiance aux étudiants (They trust the students)

Ans. Le professeur


  • Personne qui construit des maisons.
  • Personne qui planifie des bâtiments.

Ans. Architecte


  • Ils font des opérations et ils prescrivent des médicaments.
  • Ils travaillent toute la journée même pendant les jours fériés.
  • Ils travaillent à l’hôpital.


  • Il utilise une toile (he uses a canvas)
  • Il peut peindre de très bonnes images (he can paint very good pictures)
  • Il utilise beaucoup de couleurs (he uses many colors)
  • Une personne célèbre qui exerçait cette profession est Leonardo da Vinci. (a famous person who had this profession was leonardo da vinci)


Ans. Le peintre

Les apprenants de français 

(French learners)


Fascinating Wormholes

Wormholes are theorized tunnels which go through space-time, sort of like those at water parks, but instead of going and ending at a pool these tunnels end at a different universe or a different place in our universe millions of light years away.

The simplest way of explaining how a wormhole works is by imagining space-time as a piece of paper. For example, on a paper we want to travel from point A to point B. The fastest way is of course going in a straight line, right? WRONG, remember the paper is space-time, so the fastest way would be to fold the paper and align the dots and then create a hole going through them, then — BOOM because of the hole we can now travel from point A to B faster than the speed of light. Space-Time can be bent because of Einstein’s theory of relativity which states that space is not a hard solid but more an air mattress which can be bent, torn and patched together. What we just saw was an example of a Man-Made Wormholes. There are two others types, Einstein – Rosen Bridges and String Theory Wormholes.

Einstein – Rosen Bridges were first introduced in The Theory of General Relativity, which stated that every black hole is kind of a wormhole where the other end is a white hole. This means that when one crosses the horizon, one ends up in a whole new location in our universe or another one. The other end is known as a white hole. Only problem is that it would take a person an infinite amount of time to come out from the other side thus making it not traversable.

If String Theory states the correct description of our universe then it would mean that there are many wormholes just waiting to be discovered. In the early universe Space – Time Quantum Fluctuations might already have creative traversable wormholes, going through these are cosmic strings. When the big bang happened, these strings were pulled billions of light years away thus making wormholes. You might wonder how we can find these wormholes and use them to travel, well… it's a bit hard

The studies conducted at the University of Buffalo point towards a wormhole existing near Sagittarius A*. Physicist Dejan Stojkovic, the co-author of this study said in a statement that “If you have two stars, one on each side of the wormhole, the star on our side should feel the gravitational influence of the star that’s on the other side. The gravitational flux will go through the wormhole. So if you map the expected orbit of a star around Sagittarius A*, you should see deviations from that orbit if there is a wormhole there with a star on the other side. 

Even if we ever found a wormhole which was traversable, it would have to be extremely large and stable so that the wormhole stays open all the time. Realistically we would need something called negative energy to keep wormholes open and at this point in time we don’t know how to control or acquire it. 

~Krishna Ramji Rao, 9 IGCSE.

Source credit:


Tuesday, January 11, 2022



I have been on earth for as long as I can remember. I’ve seen mother nature destroy, starve and feed species greater than you. One could say that I am her better half. She toils to protect this beautiful planet, but I thrive in chaos, pain, animosity and malice. I am ubiquitous and you will mostly find me within yourself.

I lurk in your minds, making your hearts my permanent abode. I drink tears to quench my thirst. And your prayers? My luscious food!

I wasn’t born out of agitation, but out of love. You see there’s a fine line between me and love; that line is choice. Habits die hard and I implore you to make me a habit. Trust me, hatred is a good habit.

I had few mortal friends, we got along very well. I still reminisce the beautiful stories Hitler told me, about those fragrant rooms that transport humans to another world. What a noble man! I miss the piquant Biryani Saddam Hussein used to make. It’s heartbreaking to see that their alluring legacies have been desisted. Ever since the end of the second world war, there hasn’t been anything breathtaking.

A country that I relish being in is India. I turn this diverse country into a warzone and they hail me. I make sure to come on television and stand beside Arnab because “I want to know”. I rejoice seeing religious polarization. I exult when I see the chasm between the rich and poor increase every day. I celebrate every time people fight for land and territories. Little do they know that kingdoms that considered themselves to be invincible and eternal perished too.

 I paint myself in bright colors that you see on vile posters. I am the barbaric words you use against your loved ones. I endorse xenophobia, racism and my personal favorite - speciesism. 

How boring would life be without me? Tell me. Would you think? Would you value love? 

I am necessary. The Gods created me for you. Keep me close to your hearts, and I will teach you to be happy!


~Nikitha Naveen - 11 ISC


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Perfect Dinner

Every day I would think. ‘ When could we have a perfect dinner?

I wanted to have dinner with my family, or friends, or with my neighbors. During the Dasara holidays, we decided to visit my grandparent’s house in Mysore. While going in the train, I thought, “what if we have a perfect dinner with my cousins, grandparents, and parents?”

 When we reached my grandparent’s house, I told my idea to everyone. Some people would not accept, but of course, my grandparents and parents would accept and they did so. 

I was wondering if it would be easy, but it was very difficult to ask everyone to accept my idea. After a few minutes, they accepted, and then problems began. When I solved one problem, there would be another. 

Everyone started making their favorite and easy food. But, I was wandering around to get the problems solved. There would be silly problems like my aunt would be holding the salt bottle in her hand and would be searching for that. You know that ‘it is a waste of time’. At last, everything was prepared and perfect. 

We all had a Perfect Dinner!!!!!

~Hitha Jnana 5 B

Tiger’s day Article

July 29 is celebrated across the world as International Tiger Day to raise awareness about the dwindling number of striped cats, who are on the brink of extinction, and to encourage tiger conservation. International Tiger Day was created in 2010 at Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia. In the summit, governments of tiger-populated countries vowed to double tiger population by 2022.

Almost a decade has passed since then. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions on tigers, International Tiger’s Day and facts on the big cats. Tiger population is rising at 6% every year in India. Around 3,900 tigers remain in the wild across the globe, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Since the beginning of the 20th century, over 95% of the world's tiger population has been lost. A WWF report says that about a 100 years ago, there may have been over 100,000 tigers that roamed the planet.

~By Anvithi Rohith 5 C

My Favourite Book

I have many favourite books, but my favourite book series is the FAMOUS FIVE by ENID BLYTON. It is all about adventures and creepy-horror. I like to read them in my free time and at night. 

Some books have illustrations while others do not. When I read the book, I feel like I am in it with the pictures. 

I also like SUDHA MURTY books. It has funny stories and rare mythology stories.

Reading books has improved my English and I would like to continue reading books.

~Anvitha S - 5 A


Three values about my family


Three values that are important to my family 

Three important values to my family are :


1. Love everyone equally -We need to love everyone equally as we are a family and a family means being happy together and being there for each other . To do that we need to love and care for each other . 

2. Not getting angry for little things -We should not get angry for little things like spilling water and so on. If we do that not only does the person getting scolded get sad but also the one scolding and the one seeing . Doing this might get negative thoughts in our minds. 

3. Spending at least a few hours together - We need to spend time with our family so that we have some fun and get to know each other. This also helps us to relax . 

These are the main values that are important in my family . 

Thank you………

~Agamya J Rao 5 B