Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Perfect Dinner

Every day I would think. ‘ When could we have a perfect dinner?

I wanted to have dinner with my family, or friends, or with my neighbors. During the Dasara holidays, we decided to visit my grandparent’s house in Mysore. While going in the train, I thought, “what if we have a perfect dinner with my cousins, grandparents, and parents?”

 When we reached my grandparent’s house, I told my idea to everyone. Some people would not accept, but of course, my grandparents and parents would accept and they did so. 

I was wondering if it would be easy, but it was very difficult to ask everyone to accept my idea. After a few minutes, they accepted, and then problems began. When I solved one problem, there would be another. 

Everyone started making their favorite and easy food. But, I was wandering around to get the problems solved. There would be silly problems like my aunt would be holding the salt bottle in her hand and would be searching for that. You know that ‘it is a waste of time’. At last, everything was prepared and perfect. 

We all had a Perfect Dinner!!!!!

~Hitha Jnana 5 B

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