Showing posts with label As it happened. Show all posts
Showing posts with label As it happened. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Meet the Incredible, Unsung Heroes of SUPW!


After our long semester 1 Board exams, we were given the relaxing project of SUPW. SUPW  (Socially Useful Productive Work) is a subject in our country, especially in schools where students can choose from a number of educational activities like knitting, gardening, and other hobbies. The CISCE has made this activity compulsory for all students of grade 10 for which we will be graded . The main aim of this activity was to make a socially useful product which helps us serve our environment .In simple words, we can say that these are valuable activities which are also productive.


We had to make one product out of the given two topics . The topics were
    1. To make a cotton table mat which could be either painted or embroidered       



2. Best out of waste - Pot making

After a hardworking weekend ,on Monday , everyone showed up with wonderful pots and beautiful mats . After seeing everyone’s work , we got different approaches and ideas on how we could have done this . Everyone had put their best foot forward with lots of creativity and innovation. The mats were made with the old clothes at our homes and the pots were made from a wide range of products like waste plastic bottles , thermocol , cans ,earthen pots and many more. The mats are being used by the school for felicitations ceremonies and so on. The pots have added to the greenery of our school. 2 representatives from each class were appointed to water the plants . So the well-being of the plants was entirely our responsibility.

This way we have recycled lots of waste at our homes and saved nature at the same time . We have also learnt many new skills like painting , knitting , stitching , handicraft skills and planting saplings .
This way we have used simple ways to contribute to the betterment of the environment . 

~Adhya R - 10'A'


Shamika Mahesh - 10'C'


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Meet the Incredible, Unsung Heroes of SUPW!


Meet the Incredible, Unsung Heroes of SUPW!

After our long semester 1 Board exams, we were given the relaxing project of SUPW. SUPW  (Socially Useful Productive Work) is a subject in our country, especially in schools where students can choose from a number of educational activities like knitting, gardening, and other hobbies. The CISCE has made this activity compulsory for all students of grade 10 for which we will be graded . The main aim of this activity was to make a socially useful product which helps us serve our environment .In simple words, we can say that these are valuable activities which are also productive.


We had to make one product out of the given two topics . The topics were
    1. To make a cotton table mat which could be either painted or embroidered  




    2. Best out of waste - Pot making

After a hardworking weekend ,on Monday , everyone showed up with wonderful pots and beautiful mats . After seeing everyone’s work , we got different approaches and ideas on how we could have done this . Everyone had put their best foot forward with lots of creativity and innovation. The mats were made with the old clothes at our homes and the pots were made from a wide range of products like waste plastic bottles , thermocol , cans ,earthen pots and many more. The mats are being used by the school for
felicitations ceremonies and so on. The pots have added to the greenery of our school. 2 representatives from each class were appointed to water the plants . So the well-being of the plants was entirely our responsibility.

This way we have recycled lots of waste at our homes and saved nature at the same time . We have also learnt many new skills like painting , knitting , stitching , handicraft skills and planting saplings .
This way we have used simple ways to contribute to the betterment of the environment . 

~Aadhya R       ~Shamika Mahesh

Class 10 A           10 C






Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thought Capital

 An essential part of learning in schools should go beyond textbooks. Learning outside the classrooms provides a framework  for students to develop interests that span beyond the traditional curriculum boundaries which are frequently difficult to teach using classroom methods alone.  

With this in mind, the Department of DIScern took the initiative to launch ``Thought Capital”, a platform to explore topics from different fields. The sessions at Thought Capital consist of meaningful discussions on a predetermined topic. Students get to interact and share their thoughts with industry experts across various fields of work. The platform provides a context for learning in many areas: both general and subject based knowledge.  

These sessions are envisaged to enable our students to think, develop an ability to take part in intellectual conversations, become cutting edge and make a meaningful impact in the society when they pass out of our school. 

 As a part of the inaugural  session, we had Dr. Santosh Bhargav, founder and Director of two award winning start-ups: BendFlex Research and SPovum Technologies, gracing the occasion as a guest speaker.  

Dr. Santosh has completed B Tech in Mechanical Engineering from NIT, Durgapur. He also has a postdoc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.  

Currently, he runs two start-ups that are into assisted reproductive technology activities and making medical devices for the same.  The topic for discussion was “Can you palpate a single biological cell?” 

Main Points covered in the session:

1.      Interdisciplinary approach required in cell biology

2.      The nitty gritties of palpating a single biological cell-how significant/effective it is

3.      Technology used in palpating single cell-virtual or physical

4.      How to scale down machines for such small cells?

5.      Treatment costs involving cell biology

6.      Risk of using palpated cells in biological warfare


Conclusion: His words were truly inspiring to many and the way he explained how two completely different fields can help develop spectacular things was indeed wonderful. Not just the student, but the teachers were also so engrossed in the topic that they came up with many questions. Dr. Santosh was able to break the information down into relatable terms and explain it to us in the simplest way possible. An excellent start to our new initiative of Thought Capital.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Report on SFSMUN 2021


The St. Francis School Model United Nations, Bangalorewhich took place on September 17th, 18th and 19th, has taken Deccan International a step further towards creating a unique MUN

experience for our students. Deccan MUNners had the rare opportunity to compete in a virtual International event. Participants from all over the World contested in the seven committees,  facilitating the  vision of a World of solidarity, trust and peace. 

There were intellectually stimulating debates as diplomacy and negotiations got into  fruitful discussion. Our MUNners shone in the arena with their well-refined rhetorical skills and brought home accolades. Vishruth A of 10 B and Vaibhav Lokesh of AS level represented France, and were selected as Best Delegates for UNHRC and DISEC respectively. The award for Best Position Paper in ECOFIN was won by Manav Jain  of AS level, who represented El Salvador and Abhimanyu Kalyani of AS Level  received First Special Mention for representing France in CCC.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Resurgence 2021-Report

The students of Deccan International School participated in Resurgence 2021 – An economics and Commerce Fest organised by Bishop Cotton Boy’s School, Bangalore. Resurgence, which started in 2010, has held the reputation for being the biggest and best Commerce and Economics Fest in Bangalore, but the 11th edition was bigger and better. Students from all across India participated in the virtual event and the competitions were open to contestants from classes 8 to 12 of all boards - ISC, PUC, CBSE, CAIE etc.. The mega fest took place  on the 2nd & 3rd  of September 2021 and consisted of 12 events. Each of them was  unique in its own way. 

The DIS  Resurgence  2021 Team  of 33 members , who contested for 12 events  were appreciated by the event heads of Resurgence 2021 for  their good behaviour, formal dress code and enthusiastic approach. Our  participants , especially the younger ones from 9th grade really made an  impact on the judges and they were  applauded  for their industrious effort   to challenge the 11th & 12th graders from other schools in the events like beyond tank and orange revolution.


Out of the 13 teams from Deccan, 3 teams entered the finals and 1 team made up to the semi-finals. DIS secured the second position in the category – ‘Institutional Award’ with a cash price of INR 10,000. It was necessary for a school to participate in all events, in order to contest for the BEST INSTITUTION AWARD and  DIS students whole heartedly participated in all the events, secured points at various levels of their respective events  and bagged  the  Runner Up Award too . 


The details of the events & participants instrumental in bringing success are as follows :



Event Name





Hotel Management Revolution

Nikhita Naveen  

Jaidev Narasimha   Riya Tanvi  Rachel  

11 ISC

A Level

A Level

 1stCash Award 

(INR 4500)


The Fourth Wall – (Movie Script Writing &Movie Making

Poorvi Sanath 

Sharanya Mohan Kusgar 

Shamaa S Pavagada                 



11 ISC



Triangle of Trade

Sankeerthana Kasi  

Bhavana Jain  

Sanskriti Rao                                    



AS Level



Beyond Tank 

Prakhyat P Kashyap

Sriram Maiyya

Adithya Nayak




Semi Finalists

 The Themes :

1.   Hotel Management Revolution: Real life situations & crisis that required creative ideas & the arguments favouring the line ‘The customer perception is your reality’. 


2. The fourth wall - ovie script writing  and movie making   showcasing the strategies for making profits in the box office.


3. The Triangle of Trade : Advertise Market & Sell    based on the creative idea - Marketing is all about the stories you tell  and not just the sales.


4. Beyond Tank - Exhibit your entrepreneurial skills by pitching your business idea to judges.


The fest encouraged critical thinking and inquiry into various aspects of economics, commerce, business, film making and made our students realize the importance of commerce & economics in every aspect of society today.

The students have definitely gained experience out of cut throat competition, heated discussions and deliberations, bidding and takeovers, bargaining, buying, and selling. In my opinion, involving students in these kinds of competition enables kindling the flavour of entrepreneurship, self-evaluation of their own potential & helps them in inculcating  a lot of personal values, self-confidence, vision and creativity.

~Umadevi U Kumar - Teacher – in charge 

Department of Commerce

Sanskrit Divasam

World Sanskrit Day, also known as Vishva-samskrita-dinam is an annual event focused around the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit and is usually celebrated on the 22nd of August. However, sometimes the date may vary. The Sanskrit organization “Sanskrit Bharati” is involved in promoting this day and in turn keeping the heritage of Samskritam alive.

In Deccan International School, we celebrated Sanskrit Divasam for one week with great interest and participation. We had students of all grades who enthusiastically came forward and took part in various activities, like shloka recitation, singing and explanation of the importance of  this day. Students also made videos on account of Sanskrit Divasam which covered various and interesting parts of this ageless language. These videos were played in assembly and the entire student community appreciated the greatness of this language.

Link for the  videos: 

14th JULY: la journée de la bastille


On 14/th July, 2021, a colorful and memorable French national day/ Bastille Day was celebrated on a virtual platform. The show commenced with a PPT presentation,  entitled “The Significance Of 14th July In The  History Of France And French People.” This was followed by an interaction between the students in the form of a recorded dialogue (link has been shared for your reference:

The celebration ended with a mesmerizing group song performance.  (trois petits pas:

It was a perfect day to let the students including the non- French learners know about the history of France and its people. 

~Ms. Tanu Jindal - French Faculty


 The WESTERN MUSIC Zeal club went on from July 3rd 2021 to 25th September 2021. The plan was to teach the children the theories of western music, make them do vocal exercises and also teach a few western songs in the period of 13 sessions, and make them present at the end of the sessions. 

The club had students who were beginners with basic knowledge of western music, so, the first session started with general instructions and an introduction to western music.

The first song they learned was Do Re Mi, from the movie ‘The Sound Of Music’ a western musical. They learnt the musical notes and practiced vocal exercises while learning this song. 

After this, we taught a list of songs like- I love my teacher, We are the world, Heal the world and You are my sunshine.

In every class, a few minutes were spent on learning the theories of music like Treble Clef and Bass Clef and they also learnt the introduction for musical notations. 

The kids were given assignments which were specific to the learning, and in the last session, the virtual exhibition of the Western Music Club was presented before the parents, which was a wonderful closing event. 

In short, it was a challenging and yet a wonderful experience, teaching students western Music and making them perform in just 12 sessions.

~Mr. Herald Wilson D’silva

TIP TOES- Zeal Club Report


Zeal club TIP TOES went on from July 3rd 2021 to 25th September 2021. The plan was to teach children two western style dances and to work on their body movements and expressions, with a few activities, in the period of 13 sessions, and make them present at the end of the sessions.

The students were beginners who knew only basic western dance steps. So, the first session had to start with general instructions and introductions of different western dance forms. Each session started with warm up exercises specific to the dance form, moved on to choreography and ended with the correction of body postures and expressions.


The first dance was based on a Hindi song – Aashayein.  The meaning of the inspiring song was explained and they were taught, using dupattas as props. The kids enjoyed the free style dancing which incorporated some contemporary moves.  The second dance was based on a famous Katy Perry song – ROAR. The students already knew the song and they were enthusiastic to learn it. In this dance, we included tutting and floorwork. 


In the last session, we did some fun activities based on dance. The kids were given assignments which were specific to the learning done in the particular class. They were asked to upload the pictures of the steps they had learned and dance videos. The kids were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the assignment and some of them performed at their home.


At the end, the virtual exhibition of Tiptoes was presented before the parents, which was a wonderful closing event. Pictures and videos of the event, as well as the edited recordings were uploaded in the Tiptoes shared drive folders. In short, it was challenging, yet a wonderful experience teaching the students, and making them perform western dance in just 12 sessions. I would like to thank Shikha ma'am for her support.


~ Ms. Sangeeta Sinha

Deccan international school


Classical Dance Club Report

The Zeal Club Classical Dance activities were conducted from July 3rd 2021 to 25th September 2021, with 13 sessions planned accordingly. The plan was to teach the children two dances based on classical songs, and make them present at the end of the season. 

We had students who were absolute beginners to the classical dance form. So, the first session had to start with an introduction to the form.. Basic postures, standing positions, hand gestures, prayers, namaskaram and exercises which are specific to the Bharatanatyam form were taught, to acquaint them with the form.  From the next class onwards, the choreography ( which was designed specifically to suit the beginner's ability) was introduced, with very simple movements. This approach enabled the children to pick up the movements and dance according to the choreography. 

Every class had two sections. One to learn the choreography, and the other section to learn the hand gestures and their meanings, so that the children knew what they were doing. The meanings of the songs were explained as and when they were taught, and the meaning of the movements were also conveyed to them. Since the songs chosen were all in Kannada, the kids were able to relate to their meanings and enjoy the renditions. 

All the kids were given assignments which were specific to the learning done in that particular class. They uploaded pictures of the gestures they had learnt and recorded the video of the bits they had learnt in that week. 


The first song they learnt was a Kautvam on Krishna's Kalinga Narthana, composed by Vid. Dwaraki Krishnaswamy. The second song was Bhagyada Lakshmi Baramma, composed by Purandara Dasaru. The completion of this song coincided with the Varamahalakshmi Festival, for which kids were asked to perform at home during the festival in front of their family members, in full costumes, and upload the videos. The kids were very enthusiastic . They enjoyed the assignment and actually performed at their homes. 

At the end, the virtual exhibition of classical dances was presented before the parents, which was a wonderful closing event. All the videos and pictures of the event as well as the edited recordings have been uploaded in the specific shared drive folders assigned to the classical dance zeal club earlier. 

It was a challenging and yet wonderful experience teaching a tough classical dance like Bharatanatyam to beginners and making them perform in just 12 sessions. I would like to specially thank Divyashree Ma'am for being such a great support throughout the sessions. 

~Ms. Nagaranjitha Sidramaya

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Report on Zeal Club-Debmaster- Junior

Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an extra-curricular activity in which students typically role-play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. This activity takes place at MUN conferences, which is usually organized by a high school or college MUN club. Thousands of middle school, high school, and college students across the country and around the world participate in Model United Nations, which involves substantial researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.


The Zeal club Deb Master was an initiative to involve the junior batches so that they are well informed and trained to be the future Munners. The batch of grades 3, 4 and 5 were the part of this club, which  started its 13-week journey on the 3rd of July 2021, with a bunch of enthusiastic students. 

The students were briefed about the working of the Model United Nations (MUN). Each student was allotted a particular state and were made a delegate of their respective state. The agenda for  this MUN session was ‘Food, Health and Hygiene’.

The students were guided by a senior student, who explained how MUN works and on how they should prepare for the debate. Many mock sessions and regular question hours were conducted for which students gathered information about their respective states. This helped them research and also develop their debating skills. They were assigned a task to present Position Papers, which gave them a complete picture of  an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue in their respective states. 

The final show of the club was held on the 1stof October 2021. The event started with the students reading the ‘General Speaker List’, and the beginning of a speech which grabbed the fellow delegates’ and the audience's attention.  After a question hour between the students and the Executive Board member, resolutions were passed by taking the majority call. 

The program concluded by announcing the awards to the delegates, which had  three prizes under each category of ‘Position Papers’ and ‘Best Speakers’. Feedbacks on the club and how it benefitted the students were also given by a parent, a teacher and the students.

Thus, the MUN helped students to research, debate and get a better understanding of their respective states. This activity also helped them to improve their communication skills.

 ~The DEB-Master Team