Monday, November 8, 2021

Sanskrit Divasam

World Sanskrit Day, also known as Vishva-samskrita-dinam is an annual event focused around the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit and is usually celebrated on the 22nd of August. However, sometimes the date may vary. The Sanskrit organization “Sanskrit Bharati” is involved in promoting this day and in turn keeping the heritage of Samskritam alive.

In Deccan International School, we celebrated Sanskrit Divasam for one week with great interest and participation. We had students of all grades who enthusiastically came forward and took part in various activities, like shloka recitation, singing and explanation of the importance of  this day. Students also made videos on account of Sanskrit Divasam which covered various and interesting parts of this ageless language. These videos were played in assembly and the entire student community appreciated the greatness of this language.

Link for the  videos: 

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