Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A Perfect Dinner

I loved cooking when I was young. Once I thought of giving a treat to my family by cooking dinner. I told my mom about it and thankfully she agreed if I would do it under her guidance. I agreed to her. I started cooking with my mom at 7:00pm.I made machos soup. Then for starter I made French fries with my brand new air fryer. Then for the main dish I made my favorite dish-”Paneer curry with rotis”.For the desert  I made a three layer cake with ice cream and chocolate syrup .I was pleased with myself. I laid the the table with decorative glass, spoons, forks, cups and bowls. Then everybody tasted my dish and so did I. We were happily eating dinner. Everybody told they loved my dishes. I was very very happy and of course proud of myself. It was a Perfect dinner with my family and I had a memorable day!!

~Shaarvi A. N, 5LS

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article Shaarvi, and good to know you can cook or prepare so many mouthwatering dishes and deserts. We love to taste what you prepare next time. Nikhil wants to taste his favorite snack French Fries 🍟 when you prepare next time, until then will be waiting 😊😊
