Saturday, November 13, 2021



Light. Blinding, bright light took over the world. I sat there, munching on some delicious candy, when it seemed like god had stepped onto earth. I was enveloped in bright red light and I stopped thinking for a second. I just sat at my desk, watching in awe. After about 10 seconds, it stopped. I couldn’t think. I was frozen in fear and excitement. I had never witnessed such an event and even history didn’t have any record of such an event. I sat there, flabbergasted, when someone shook me. I almost jumped out of my seat. It was my friend. His face was pale with fear, like he had seen something horrific. He pointed his shaking finger towards the window which looked out over the street. I looked out only to see the most horrific sight I had ever seen. Small, goblin-like creatures filled the streets. The people were nowhere to be seen. I stood there, my eyes red with fear and despair. 

I was horrified. I stood there, deep in thought. I looked around to see that everyone in my class was safe. The reality of it all dawned upon me. This could be the end of humanity! We could be the last people on earth! I quickly recollected my thoughts and gathered everyone in the class. Everyone was horror-struck. I went around, trying to help everyone recollect themselves. We realised we were humanity’s only hope. We had to save our race. 

When everyone seemed to be back to normal, we heard something on the other side of the door.  A loud, irritating sound. Like someone, or something, was scratching on the door. We all armed ourselves with whatever we could find. The door came crashing down. The goblinlike creature entered our classroom. Everyone stood their ground, their bodies shaking with the fear of the unknown. The diminutive creature growled at us. We all rushed towards it, together, and forced it away. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Butwe all knew that the worst was yet to come. 

We realised that we were surrounded by these nightmarish creatures on all sides and we were trapped in our school. Everyone felt despondent, we feared for our lives. I realised that we couldn’t sit around and wait for help. There might be no one to help us. I went around trying to get everyone’s hopes up. We had to find a way to survive in this hellish world. And we were not going to go down without a fight. We had to abandon our pusillanimous selves and be brave. The world wasn’t going to give itself back to humans. We had to take it back. With this resolution, we all prepared. Prepared for the fight for humanity. Humanity’s last stand.

~Sagar V – 10 C

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