Wednesday, September 15, 2021

New-Wave Terminologies

 Times have never been so challenging. I used to wake up each dawn with a dream that has now turned into a nightmare. Be positive, this too shall pass- is a phrase that I hear way too often these days. It’s not something recent. I wonder where I’ve heard this one before? 

On this note I travelled down memory lane. Was it during my children’s exams…child births…time to tie the knot…college politics…growing up with a sibling who I thought was loved more…or my own schooling? Yes, that’s where it all began! 

ACTIVE-Grammar was taught by the rule book and Wren & Martin was my English Bible. Lessons on ‘active and passive voice’ intrigued me and being an ACTIVE class participant made me a passionate writer. So here I am. 

POSITIVE-The only vivid memory I have of Math class is my teacher saying adding two negatives results in a larger negative while the product of two negatives is a POSITIVE! Like some of us, it took me a while to figure this one out. 

BOUNDARIES- Patterned outline maps of oceans and continents were taught on a spinning globe. Even more enthralling was when the speed of the spinning earth blended land and water bodies making all BOUNDARIES vanish. Oh, but they still exist! 

BREATH- Living things breathe-one of my earliest learnings in Science class. The where, when and how of respiration revealed more fascinating facts about something we take so much for granted, our BREATH! Thank you, God, for all the oxygen out there. 

PANDEMIC- I remember my grand mom speak about small-pox and the deadly plague. Heard the word from my History Teacher and looked up the dictionary for this one by running down my finger till I reached P-A-N-D-E-M-I-C. My turn to tell the tale now. 

4 Ps of marketing, PRODUCT-PRICE-PLACE-PROMOTION- These words are mantras picked up on my off-beaten track of Commerce. Pills and potions promising magical cures along with their astronomical price tags are being procured not just by Tom, Dick and Harry but you and me as well. Does distance make things difficult? Of course not, anything from A to Z, Amazon to the rescue. 

2019 dawned like every other year before it. Towards the end we heard a guarded whisper about a virus tentatively called COVID 19, spreading across the great wall. It didn’t bother us too much and we heralded 2020 with special celebrations and then………our lives turned around 360 degrees many times over. As a teacher it

saddens me that kids can’t go to school or enjoy their friend’s company for no fault of theirs. 

Just pick up a book and read something every day. For you never know, maybe you will pick up new meanings to the words that you already know- just like I did! 

Until then, all I have to say is- Be positive, this too shall pass! -

Ms Veena Raj 

Early Years Coordinator

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