Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Profession

 Never had I thought that I would jump into the pool of teaching by chance and would start swimming by choice. When I stopped sitting in front of the laptop years ago and started holding a piece of chalk in my hand, never had I imagined this day would come. In the hands of nature, I would put my focus on the system again; So, one can't predict what the almighty has in store for us.  

As a teacher I enjoyed my time teaching, enacting, dancing and even being strict sometimes. Of course, there is no one way to bring discipline in pedagogy, which we as tutors thrive for. I had heard people saying that teaching is an easy job. No... definitely not, I now know! 

 As there is no specific role prescribed for us, we do all the magical things like the genie which comes out of Aladdin’s lamp. By embracing this profession of an Early Year Educator, I am now more flexible to children’s needs. 

The icing on the cake is that I am experiencing a lot of positive changes within myself! 


Ms Divyashree K M 

Early Years

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