Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Terror Off Tuned


The out of tune Kachtarz monster originated from the vocal chords of the Marai Octopus, who sings horribly, from the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean. Kachtarz initially, an abscess on the Octopus’s vocal chords soon turned out to be a separate monster. 

Legend has it that the Marai Octopus was cursed by Gronyun, the lord of Monsters, when he was stopped by the Marai while travelling through the Atlantic. The curse was, he would become the reason for something that would destroy the world. Marai always intended to be good and carry out his duties as the guardian of the Atlantic. This was devastating for him, while it was a boon to the Federation of Monsters. 

Kachtarz sings and produces negative frequencies that are enough to destroy the balance of the cosmos. He terrorises the world with his out of tune, horrifying voice.

The UN is extremely worried and they have no clue about what is to be done.

Many scientific organisations are dumbstruck. People from the musical communities are warning everyone about the dangers that the monster’s voice could create. 

The Avengers are trying to distract Kachtarz and are preventing him from using his strongest frequencies which could shatter the world into dust.

But nothing can substitute for a permanent solution. 

Soon, Carnatic Musicians come to the rescue!

They studied the pattern of Kachtarz’s frequencies and found his weakness. The positive frequencies of Carnatic music would disturb the flow of Kachtarz’s core energy. And so, they educated and encouraged people to sing or play a set of compositions form Carnatic Music, in perfect pitch. 

Kachtarz couldn’t handle the magnitude of positive frequencies that were coming from billions of people using Carnatic Music to save the world.

The monster evaporated into thin air and peace had been restored.


~Siri Girish -10 C


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