Thursday, January 6, 2022


I thought my pet was ordinary until the 6th of December in 2020.

It started out like any other day, where I get up, freshen up and do my daily routine. I actually had a play date planned, but suddenly my friend texted me saying that she wouldn’t make it.

I felt so sad when I heard that. My parents were outside, so I just went to the living room and started weeping and crying. Suddenly, I saw my pet fish trying to signal me. When I turned, I saw my pet fish trying to entertain me with a special show!!

I cheered up when I saw my pet doing all sorts of tricks. I felt so happy and emotional seeing this. That was the day I realized my pet fish was not just a fish, but also had the capability to cheer up people.

After that, I had a great time knowing that my pet fish would always be there for me.

~Nirantara Shivamurty - 5LS

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