Thursday, January 6, 2022



Once upon a time, five kingdoms ruled together. Avalor, Beliza, Denmor, Moraio and Pavis.

There were five princesses in all. They had a sleepover at the kingdom of Avalor. It was three miles away for each princess to get there.

But on the same day, the wicked witch of the North was not invited. She was very angry, so she called the witches from the East, West and South. She said, “Let’s take down their kingdoms and rule them because they killed our sister from the centre of the Earth”. Then all the witches agreed and said, “Yes, let’s do it!”. So they headed towards the kingdom of Avalor with their magic broom sticks. 

After some time, the princesses finally reached the kingdom of Avalor with their guards. By then, it was dinner time. The queen said, “Let’s have dinner”. So they finished their dinner. Then the princesses of Denmor said thanks for having them there, to the queen. The queen acknowledged with a smile and went off to sleep. The princesses played some games and after that, they went to bed too. 

By then the witches had arrived. They planned to poison the princesses, put the queen in jail and take over the crown of Avalor.

To enter the kingdom, they had to first kill the guards. So one of the witches turned into an old lady, went up to the front gate and asked the guards to open the door. But the guards questioned, “What’s your name?” 

She told, “I am the North lady”. So the guards said okay, and they opened the gates. She went inside with a poisoned apple, but when she reached the princesses’ rooms, she realised she had picked up the wrong apple. She headed back to the gate to fetch the right one. 

This time the guard felt something was fishy. They didn’t agree to let her in. She tried convincing them, telling that she was one of the princesses' grandmother, and had come to give her an apple. 

The guard asked her to first take a bite. Now that the apple was poisoned, the witchin disguise vanished as soon as she took a bite of the apple.  The guards put all the witches to jail and the princesses lived happily ever after.

Moral: Never try to trick someone or else you will only get tricked.

~Shiyana Purushotham - 3LS


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