Thursday, January 6, 2022


I thought my pet was ordinary until she turned four months old. Sunshine is a small puppy for her age and until recently I thought she was just too ordinary. 

On the morning of her four month birthday I found that she had somehow woken up in the backyard instead of in her bed. The first unusual thing I noticed about Sunshine was when I was brushing her fur. I found something that looked strangely like pixie dust. Then the truly weird thing happened. 

I was taking Sunshine for her morning walk and suddenly a black car zoomed past us and somebody called for help. Sunshine suddenly started running, dragging me along with her and raced after the car! Now, usually Sunshine is a good little puppy and listens to me but not today! When she started running I shouted and screamed myself hoarse for her to stop but it was like Sunshine had some super speed. Seconds later we had actually caught up with the car! 

Sunshine bit at the handle of the car and yanked it open! Out tumbled none other than the daughter of the mayor of the city! Her name was Sophia and she thanked both of us. Then what happened is unbelievable! Sunshine talked! She told me that she was a special species of puppies who are magical and only get their powers when they turn four months old! 

Now I know that Sunshine truly is a special puppy. Sophia went back home and she bestowed upon Sunshine the title, ‘Dog of the City’! Sunshine is the most special puppy a person could ever have.

~Siri Kashyap - 5LS

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