Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Beginning

I see her knelt in the corner of the room, hurt, gently tending to her bruises. I feel her presence, though she is only barely visible. She is barely visible through the dense darkness of this place. It has taken over the space, binding her down, stifling her, pushing her down to the ground.

I sense its instincts. I feel its desire to choke her. Its desire to handle by brute force. Its desire to show her her inferiority. I see her bow down to its evil touch to save her own life. 

Time has passed and has done its work. Time works to heal in nature, but she appears to be calm in her pain now. I sit and watch as the darkness pushes down on her mercilessly. It appears as though she has given in to its power. She was born as an innocent little flame with a blindingly blight glow, filled with freedom. 

Now, she only feels pain. She was taken advantage of. She has seen the cruelty of the darkness in its relentless, undying presence, forever ready to prove to her the weakness of her natural form. I watch without movement, without thought. She wavers in her tender form. I sense her thought. She wants to submit to the darkness, for she can bear it no longer.

Somehow, finding one last ray of hope in the room filled with darkness, she looks to me. She beckons at me, noticing that I intend no harm. She is scared, but I feel the warmth in her. I feel it penetrate the space around me. She whispers and pleads for help but all I do is watch, helplessly. All she can do is whisper, for her voice was stolen from her. 

I watch her. Finally, I see the glow in her eyes subside. Her tears seem to be frozen. I sense the bitter cold in the room. The last remnants of warmth that emanate from her disappear. The darkness has been awakened. I was her last opportunity. The last name she could call out in desperation was mine. I didn’t respond when she did. Now, the darkness consumes the area, the horror of his gaze striking her body with the intent to harm.

I sense her thought. I sense a presence withing her take birth. I haven’t seen anything of this nature yet. It is new to the world that surrounds her. She embraces its power, in whatever strange form that it was born within her with. Now, for the first time, she grows. Her presence expands, and so does the glow of her form. She is fire, and now, she knows her power. She once looked to me in desperation, but I had stayed quiet. Quiet in his presence, the darkness. Now, she knows that I am of no use to her. She has found strength within herself, untainted by the world that surrounds her. 

Her presence is no longer a gentle warmth that gives out light. She is furious and her warmth singes my skin. Her glow blinds my eyes. The darkness feels fear for the first time in his life. She enjoys her power, clutching on to it. That power is her. The world watches in awe.

~Samarth Sathvik – 10 C

(Creative Writing- Select a thing and personify it. Focus on its movements, shape and strength.)

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