Monday, December 13, 2021

The Soul of the Forest


The real beauty of the forest is when you experience it. It does not matter how -through words, sounds, or vision. Once you enter, you instantly feel calm. 

It was a soothing overcast day. The animals, birds and insects seemed to be resting under the huge trees, admiring the beauty of the woods that surrounded me. 

The sunless sky covered the treetops which had created a canopy over our heads. The crimson and auburn foliage made for a magnificent sight, in the Fall. A gentle breeze created the single sound of rustling leaves. The leaves appeared as though they were dying to fall out of the tree and join their companions on the forest floor. Together with pine needles and other flora, the leaves formed a thick springy carpet for me to walk upon. 

Bustling underneath the shade of the trees, the bees and wasps were attracted to the scent of the sandal bark: the scent of rain and wet soil gave the comforting feeling of being at home. Encompassed by the thick heavy air, an Indian Hornbill fluttered high above the emerald forest, choosing its meal for lunch across the vast forest. An agile little squirrel hastily scampered from tree to tree, awaiting the chill of winter. 

Beyond the horizon, the community of newly formed saplings, ready to grow and prosper into marvellous banyan trees- like little children, learning under the guidance of their parents. 

The forest is a home to all. Pure and magnificent, it stands as though it can never be disturbed by man and his murderous machines. Peacefully sleeping under the dark grey sky, the community of mighty timber seemed to have not a care in this world.


~Shamaa S Pawagowda - 11 ISC


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