Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Corona the Virus

Corona the virus

Came to Cyrus

Gave him Sinus

Cyrus was smart

had taken covishield

which acted as a protective shield

He told everyone

Don’t be scared

Solutions are rare

But all the Saviors are there !

We will overcome 

This is just a Phase

God and Hope are at the pace…

~Nayana P Rao, 6MS

What is kindness?


Some choose the crowd

Some choose the heart

Some choose to be proud

Some choose knowledge to impart

It's not enough to be friendly 

you have to be a friend

Words can be deadly

It is easy to offend

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”

Why do we believe 

That words don't hurt

People can be naive

We need to be alert

When you're offered

Being right or being kind

Kindness is only chosen by a small herd

The ones who choose being right are blinded by words

Life is unfair

Yes it's very true

But let's make it fair

For the ones who are feeling blue

Kindness is not child's play,

It is a feeling

To make someone’s sadness go away

A simple smile can be healing

It’s nice to be nice

Don't waste your time

You won’t pay a hefty price

Kindness isn't a crime

To stand up for others is being bold

But it will teach you

Kindness won't give you any medals of Gold

Empathy is only chosen by a few

It's not hard

Do it from the heart 

Kindness isn't measured in yards

C’mon let's do our part!

I wrote this Poem because I got inspired by a single book. The book is known as Wonder, written by R. J. Palacio. For those who have not read it, it's really inspiring. (won't give away any spoilers!) Kindness is not something where you just say be nice. It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes. To feel how they are feeling. I think a little dose of kindness can go a long way. Just like the story “a glass of milk”, kindness is like food, it's necessary for someone, so you can push them to reach their goals, and encourage them to do their best. I got encouraged, because people get bullied, and get harsh responses, so if we try to have empathy for others, the world will definitely be a better place. 

-Mrunali Raji, 6MS

Friday, February 11, 2022

I Love Offline Classes


  • During offline classes, I loved P.E which we did offline, the games we played and so on.

  • During offline classes, I loved the activities we did like combined learning and so on.

  • During offline classes, I loved the physical interaction with my teachers and my  friends.

  • During offline classes I love the physical teaching- like writing on the board and copying it.

  • During offline classes, I loved our new classroom.

I will never even think of going back to online school!


~Harshal Chowdary-3JS

The Sun As A Source Of Energy



The energy we get from the sun is called solar energy. Solar energy is a renewable energy because it will never end as long as the sun remains.

Solar energy is also pollution free because there are no harmful gases, chemicals,  or fly ash produced. Solar energy is the energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy with the help of photovoltaic cells.

The production cost of solar energy is zero. A photovoltaic cell can produce even in low sunlight so there is no cut in energy even on a rainy or cloudy day.

Plants also use a process called photosynthesis to make food. During photosynthesis, plants use the energy of the sun to change water and carbon dioxide into a sugar called glucose. Starch is stored in seeds and other plant parts as a food source.

~Gautham Reddy, 3JS