Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Doctor's Day Assembly

As a kid we were all reckless for the most part I'd say. And often we’d fall sick or get hurt and cry eventually leading to a boo-boo kiss or a visit to the doctors shop. Personally I loved the latter since the smiling doctors, certainly not the lollipops or cute bandages, put a beaming grin, plastered all over my face. Back then, I certainly didn’t realize the burdens of being a doctor. From surgeons to physicians each and every one of them carries a huge responsibility! In the past year, it has become quite apparent about the arduous task of being a doctor. Carrying this obligation on their shoulders for over a year, I’d say with some certainty that they’d be exhausted, but they continue to push tirelessly.

In appreciation of their tireless work, the first of July is celebrated as Doctor’s day. We at DIS took this opportunity to thank the doctors during our assembly. An interesting video was presented to inform the students about the various treatments that have passed the test of time. Brief introductions of everything wide-spread and new from allopathy to the old and niche practices of Asia were shared. A few minutes dedicated to all the various cultures, the practices followed and its benefits were displayed.

This was just a token of gratitude to all the selfless doctors. Once again a big thank you to the present, past and future doctors for your efforts towards keeping generations of mankind, healthy and strong.

~Sudhanva S - A Level

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