Sunday, September 12, 2021


On account of World Environment Day, our class (9 IGCSE) performed several activities that played a tiny yet important role in protecting the ecosystem and our beloved planet.  

On Monday, 1st of June, one of our classmates demonstrated the making of a bio enzyme. A bio enzyme is a floor cleaning liquid made out of 100% natural ingredients like fine powdered peels of citrus fruits, vinegar, water and baking soda. Most of us are unaware of what our industrial cleaning liquids are made of. Ultimately, these toxic liquids end up in the ocean bodies. This, over a period of time affects marine life. Bio enzymes are one of the best alternatives to these and learning to make these was one of the best ways to celebrate Environment Day. 

On June 2nd, we made natural compost out of organic food waste and layers of soil and leaves. While growing plants, it is quite essential to use the proper compost. This not only ensures better plant growth, but also lets you use as much compost as you want-free of cost! 

 On June 15th, we made beautiful Terrariums out of soil, tiny weeds and pebbles. Terrariums are nothing but gardens in a jar! Terrarium making was an incredible DIY that we could use to embellish any corner of the house. All of us thoroughly enjoyed doing this and thank our class teacher for providing us this wonderful opportunity. 

On 16th of June, we had a heated debate on the topic Mars is habitable. Along With numerous points put up by team Mars and Earth, the debate could go on forever. This was a fantabulous opportunity for those who weren't aware of the topic and was a fabulous learning experience for all of us. Winning and losing was not at all the priority as knowledge was all that we comprehended.  

Like Julia Carney correctly said 

"Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.

Little deeds of kindness, 

Little words of love, Make our earth happy, 

Like the Heaven above" 

Why celebrate Environment Day as a day? We celebrated it for 2 weeks, but the things we made will surely yield a better future for all of us. HAPPY ENVIRONMENT DAY!

~Ankita Shenoy - 9I

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