Friday, September 17, 2021

Trees in the City

Prakash: Wow, I love driving through the city. It’s so amazing! 

Ojas: Yeah, the city is amazing. 

Prakash: Wait, why is that big patch of trees just in the middle of the city? The  city Mayor should just build a mall here. It would be much better than these trees. 

Ojas: No way! These trees are much better than building a mall here. The city  already has enough malls and buildings crowded together. 

Prakash: Yeah, that is true but another mall would be great for shopping. 

Ojas: Trees are better in so many different ways. They give free oxygen and help  with the already polluted air in the city. I bet a mall can’t do that. 

Prakash: Wow what else can plants do?! 

Ojas: Well, plants, especially trees, can be a home to a plethora of animals like  squirrels and raccoons. The main reason animals come into people's homes is  because they have nowhere to live. 

Ojas: There are many more reasons why trees are great for cities. 

Prakash: Wow, I never realised the importance of trees. I will remember to be  more mindful of what I say next time. 

Ojas: When we go home, we should plant a tree since there are many seeds around  our house. 

Prakash: Yes, we should definitely do that!

~Ojas Mudkavi 7 LS

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