Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mandy’s Adventure

Story written by: Sanvi Kashyap

Date published: 01/10/2021


  1. Meet Mandy!!

  2. Moved to Australia!!

  3. College Times!!

  4. Adventure starts!!

  5. Someone got injured!!

  6. I met my real parents!!

  7. I am with my Real parents now!!

--------- Chapter 1 : Meet Mandy ---------

Mandy is a young girl who lives with her adopted parents, her Mother Martha, father Jackson and elder brother Mike in South Africa. They all treated Mandy as their own. Mandy's REAL parents are still alive; Mandy Went missing for 5 days straight and police arrested Mandy’s real Parents and nobody knew why they were arrested !! The Police announced on the Television : that they were in charge of their own baby girl. Soon Martha, Jackson, Mike and a 1 year old Mandy! They all moved to Africa. Because her adopted parents had a lot of work to finish in Africa so they moved there. They could not find any good houses, So they decided to stay in a tent when another good house was built.  Soon their house was built and they settled down there and began a new chapter of their lives. Mandy would often roam around the forest collecting beautiful flowers for her mother. When she was 13 years old she learnt how to climb a tree and bungee jump from a tree. She was very outdoorsy so she camped every night in her backyard. But she never knew the secret that her adopted parents were hiding from Mandy. After days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and into years she soon became 19 years old and successfully completed her schooling days and finally went to college.

----- Chapter 2 : Moved To Australia -----

But choosing the college became a challenge for Mandy’s parents. Martha, her mother was never the same and her  father Jackson always shivered with his teeth chattering in meetings as their only daughter could not find a good college. Mike was seeing all this, So he started to scroll down the internet and saw a great college where there are free admissions and no fees. Everything was perfect. He showed his parents the college they thought was great. Martha said, “ Oh! Thank god finally a good college came to us. My daughter can now study and be what she wants to be in the future!” This made Jackson say that “ She is not our actual daughter, we just adopted her. Your friend was really a lucky woman to have such a great daughter” said Jackson. Mike told her everything about the new college that she was going to. She said “ Amazing!! I have always wanted to go see college and learn new things. I love it. Thank you so much!!” So she packed her Bags and went off to college.

-----Chapter 3 : College Times-----

She arrived in Australia at 1pm. She saw many people and she became very nervous. After 5 minutes she saw a boy bullying a girl called Ellie. She stood up to them and said “ Stop it! Stop it at once! Leave her alone, you can’t do it to her, haven't you learnt this in kindergarten?” This made the boy blush and ran away from the place. Ellie said “ Thank you so much! I have never stood up for myself or others. Thank you again. Will you please BE my friend?” asked Ellie. Mandy said “ Of course I will be your friend. I have never ever had a friend before my mother { Martha } keeps me engaged with many activities in the house. By the way, where is room no.1A7CD3526YU” Ellie said “ Oh! It is an amazing room even though I also stay in the same room as you  too! Let's go together, BESTIES!!” Mandy said, “ Oh! It is Amazing Let’s go now!! I am waiting to see it! Come on Come on!” This made Ellie giggle a lot. When they went to the room another friend appeared. Her name was Ensiya Mocrable. People called her Mocrable because she liked it. She said, “ Hi! My name is Ensiya Mocrable but call me Mocrable  Because I love it and this room is AMAZING oh! I forgot I am also an Incredible E-GIRL”. Ellie said “ That’s her she likes it like that so you better start unpacking! I have to go get the pen drive. It will show you the whole college BYE for now!” Mocrable { Ensiya } said “ I know your name, your name is Mandy stangen, 1 of the teachers and  your REAL mother were friends then you got adopted and soon they hid the secret from you!” Mandy was very confused after hearing this.  She was doing very well in all of her classes and exams. She never got an F- in any of the classes or Exams. Mr.s Hack decided that she was ready to see her past.

----Chapter 4 : Adventure Begins ----

One of her teachers Mr.s Hack came to her telling her that “ Come meet me with your friends in the library at 2:30 am in the morning. I shall email you everything in the mail in your laptop” and she went away. She told this to Mocrable { Ensiya } and Ellie. They were awake the whole night until it was 2:30 AM in the morning. They went to the library and Mr.s Hack said that she was going to tell a story. “ Iris was my friend [ Mandy’s REAL Mom] was in love with Jeemon.The 2 became friends and eventually got married after we graduated from college. I would visit her and check on how she was doing every day. One day I saw a baby. I became extremely angry and went away from the place.  She named that stupid baby MANDY. Then I discovered her childhood friend Martha then I put Loads of work in Africa. Then before going I threatened her to adopt Mandy as her own child. Then she agreed and lived happily with Stupid Mandy! and I lived happily ever after”. All the 3 friends were in shock, Mr.s Hack told a spell called “ Sec Excru” Mr.sHack had pushed the girls in. NOW THE ADVENTURE HAS BEGUN!!

--Chapter 5 : Somebody got injured --

While flying through the portal Mocrable { Ensiya} Got injured very badly. Blood was spilling from her leg and there were many scratches on her body. Mandy said “ Ensiya!! You're horribly injured Ellie!! Do you have any clothes or bandages?? If yes please give it to me fast right now!” told Mandy. Ellie said “ I do have a jacket just in case if it is cold I will give it to you right now!” Mocrable { Ensiya } said “ It is incredible down here and 1st of all do not call me Ensiya!! And how many times do I have to tell you????” Mandy took the jacket and wrapped it around Mocrable’s { Ensiya’s } injured leg. Soon she told to Ellie “ Ellie, stay here and look after her I will send a portal for you to come along with me Please take care of you and Mocrable { Ensiya } please do this You can’t come along because I am the one who will free my parents and lead it okay I am going bye” Ellie understood it fast and said “ Bye I will follow your rules.” Mandy gave a smile, She ran away and she saw polls. She had to jump on 1 poll to complete it and she fell down. She is DEAD!. Mandy remembered that she brought a rope so she could use it during any emergencies so she made a lasso and put it on the last pole and she jumped very high and landed on the other side. She walked deeper and she saw a swimming pool where there were sharks waiting to eat someone. Mandy was scared but she knew sharks love eating fish so she packed a little bit of fish. When the shark saw it it ate everything up and slept. This made Mndy swim until the last part of the swimming pool. She sneezed loudly at the end which made the shark come near her and she made it time or she was dead.

--Chapter 6 : I met my real Parents --

After she finished swimming she saw a narrow tube she could fit inside and she was extremely curious about what was in there so she went in. She screamed with fun and said “ Wheeeeeeee! Amazing so fun!!”When she was there she saw her real parents that she had never ever met in her life. Iris, her real mother and her father Jeemon had seen her. Iris said “ Oh! Hello little young girl. What is your name and how old are you? And what brings you here in jail” she asked Mandy replied telling That “ I am Mandy Stagen. I am 19 years old and it is a pleasure to meet you.” This made Melephies eyes filled with tears of joy as she said “ My DAUGHTER My DAUGHTER!!!! My baby We finally found you! Oh sweetie!” She shouted very loudly, The police thought Meliphy and Moran were going to escape so they rushed to their cell. Mandy was there for her parents, she explained to him so the police were forced to take them out of Prison.The 3 enjoyed it happily. Martha was sent a letter informing her what happened. This made Martha happy and she continued a happy life ahead. Oh! Even Ellie and Mocrable { Ensiya } were freed as Mandy  opened a portal where both of them came. All the 3 friends attended college and did everything together. Also mocrables leg was repaired. And Mr.s Hack was sent to prison permanently. As she was in charge of everything that has happened.


-Chapter 7 : I am with my Real Parents Now!-

All the days seemed peaceful after I was living with my real parents. I would often visit Mike and my adopted parents. It was a very fun travel I would keep this as a Secret to myself [ I would like the whole adventure all again I loved it]

The End!!!!

 ~Sanvi Kashyap, 4LS

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