Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pose and Poise- Zeal Club Report

The Zeal club on Yoga and Aerobics commenced on 3rd of July 2021 through online mode in the Pose and Poise GCR. It was conducted for about 13 weeks on every Saturday, from 10 to 11 am by two trainers and two in charge teachers.

Warm up exercises, fitness exercises, aerobic workouts with music like hopscotch jump, aerobics with hoop etc were taught in the aerobic sessions.

Different yoga asanas like Bhujangasana, Vrikshasana, Veerabhadrasana, Upavishta konasana to name a few were taught, and their importance was explained to the students. 

On October 1st, the Grand Finale Day, students performed a variety of aerobic exercises along with yoga mudras, asanas and Suryanamaskara to the audience, in proper attire. The parent of one of the students gave an informative talk on the importance of yoga and aerobics during pandemic situations. We received very good feedbacks from all the parents of the zeal club students.

All in all, the Pose And Poise club helped the students to stay fit, healthy and active.

~Ms. Behara Latha

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