Friday, November 5, 2021

Jolly June

 June was an exciting month filled with many events like ‘Yoga day’,’ Environment day’, and many more amazing events. Yoga day was an inspiring session that took place during our assembly time. Ms.Vinutha Shetty a certified yoga instructor who inspired us to do yoga every day which is good for our health which is indeed needed during this pandemic. Environment day was startling with most of the students presenting class PPTs. Each day one of our classmates would speak or give a presentation about saving our mother earth or how to stay eco-friendly. Webinars and Margdarshak talks were so inspiring. We had Margdarshak talk which was inspiring for our career. It motivated us by equipping us with a better vision about the career options one can choose. Webinars were a great insight focussing on building our profile by Univariety where the theme was ‘Make your dream college your college’.The best part of June month was the Infosys session which was a digital knowledge carnival where we got to know about reconnecting with nature, love for books, the sports carrier, and many more. We look forward to attending such events in the future.

This picture is from the Univariety profile building session.


This picture is from Infosys catch them young.

~Shriya A-9IGCSE

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