Saturday, November 6, 2021

Report on Zeal Club - Dramatics

The Zeal Dramatics club was conducted by Ms. Archana Shyam and assisted by Ms. Rashmi Prasad.

The 13 sessions were conducted on Saturdays from 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM. This club had 13 students enrolled, but the attendance was never 100% and it dropped to an average of 7 to 8 students as the sessions progressed.

During the course of this club, students were taught :

  • How to show emotions through facial expressions 
  •  Enacting few lines extracted from the story of their choice in different emotions
  • Role plays of historical personalities
  • Role plays of mythological personalities
  • Narration of stories with props and voice modulations.

For the final act of Zeal club, a virtual exhibition was hosted on 01.10.2021, where each student was assigned a story which they had to enact using props of their choice, and voice modulation too. The students performed well and it was enjoyed by Grade 5 students, parents, teachers and the Junior School co-ordinator Ms. Ambica S, who attended and participated in the exhibition. This virtual exhibition marked the closure of the zeal club for this semester.  


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