Saturday, October 2, 2021

Scope Report - Speaking for effect


A workshop was conducted by Mrs. Shaefali Shetty & Mrs. Shipra Sharan for the students of grades 6, 7 and 8 IGCSE on the 10th and 11th of August 2021. The objective of the workshop was to facilitate the students to arrive at a check-list of the essential criteria for delivering a speech effectively.

There was a pre-workshop assignment scheduled for students, in which they watched a video about the essential aspects of speaking effectively. Students had to answer two questions pertaining to the topic. During the workshop, the assignment was discussed and students put in their responses on a jam board. 

The students also watched videos of four speeches and rated them by mentioning what aspects they liked in each speech and what could be better.  Listening to the varied speeches helped them identify specifically what it was about the speech that made it a good one or otherwise. This was then discussed, and the students identified different aspects of the speech such as clarity, pace, pause, pitch, intonations, eye-contact made, emphasis on certain words, among others. They were given insight into each of these terms that they had identified, with examples.

After the discussion, a check-list was drawn by students, stating the essential criteria they would have in their speech. Students were given an assignment, i.e  to work on a 1-2 minute speech, ensuring inclusion of all the criteria mentioned in the checklist. They had the option of selecting from a few speech topics which were given, or to decide on a topic of their choice. The speeches are to be vetted by their English teachers.

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