Thursday, October 21, 2021

Covid set its foot on India


And so did our brain get a new word from the encyclopaedia

The doctors and police worked tireless

But lockdown made people more and more restless

The number of cases and deaths went high

Covid made many families cry

People lost their jobs 

And so we heard many sobs

Masks and sanitizers became our best friend

And standing close to each other had to end

Children lost hopes of going back to school

Until there was an online class schedule

Like a ray of hope everything started getting stable

Efforts to produce vaccines were made by people very able

Finally it was 2021, we hoped to forget the dark memories of 2020

And it did work! Several scientists and companies created the vaccine a plenty

But it's not the normal life yet

Indeed 2020 was the worst year we met.

~Srishti Sunder - 10'C'