Wednesday, November 10, 2021



The summer holidays were going on. I was bored sitting at home watching Doremon. So, my friends and I decided to go on a trip to  Africa. We even booked the hotel. We decided to travel by car through Africa. Everything was going well.  We were  having karaoke, but the car was out of fuel, and we were stuck in the middle of a jungle.

We all panicked because it was dark, and there was no signal, so we could not even call for help. For God's sake!

Tara had bought camping materials. We started going inside the jungle to find a good place to sleep. It was quite scary.

We found a small empty place so we set the tent over there. We also found a few logs of wood, so we decided to burn them for heat as it was  freezing over there. We had few snacks, so we ate those for dinner and went to sleep. I fell into a very deep sleep watching those beautiful sparkling stars.


A friend of mine named Jaanya was very thirsty. At 3:00 am, she woke all of us up and asked us to go with her to get water from the car. So, we all went together as we were scared.  We reached the car and took 4 bottles of water and were coming back to the tent when we  saw a shadow pass through. All of us froze with fear as there was no one near us .

We all ran to the tent. Breathing heavily, we started making stories that the Shadow could be a ghost or a snake. I calmed all of them by saying we would leave  the nexr=t morning as soon as possible, and all of us slept. 

When we woke up, we saw a lumberer and a farmer. We were relieved when we saw them. We told them about the shadow at night. The farmer told us that the shadow was of his goat which had escaped through the farm gates .

We all started laughing and were relieved too. That was one of the most funniest as well as scariest experiences in my life .

~Mishti Jain – 8 A

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