Wednesday, November 10, 2021

An evening at a jungle camp


My friends Meeth, Vinti and I wanted to go on a camping trip in the jungle, so we planned and decided to go on a saturday morning because we had a holiday and everyone was free. I packed up my suitcase with a pair of T-shirts, pants, hat and everything that I needed for the trip.

‘Ring ring’ my phone rang at 6 a.m. It was Vinti. She said, “Are you ready to rock and roll, Jan?” I said, “yeah”, but I had to get ready and meet my friends at 6.30 a.m. I quickly got ready and went for my merry journey. There, I saw hundreds of trees all around me and the oxygen surrounded me with freshness all around. Meeth and I were on time and just in a moment, here came Vinti, a naughty girl with eyes as blue as crystal, and she curled up her hair so tightly that her head looked like bunch of grapes which were black, her black curls hung like lazy springs and had a smile as cute as a teddy on her face.

Though we were getting late, we went inside the jungle to explore the beauty of nature all around. We saw the branches of the tree on which birds were chirping and that was the only one which helped us kill weariness throughout our journey. It was already 10 a.m. when all of us were hungry, we took a break and had our breakfast along with the beautiful nature.

The jam on the bread with some milk along with the chirping of birds made us complete our breakfast as fast as flash. Then, we again started our expedition with happiness of a filled tummy. As we walked, we could hear the rustle of the leaves crackling which was too fun.

Then, we found a point finally deep in the jungle where we did camping. We set the tent apart and collected some wood sticks for was already 1 p.m. in the evening when everything was set right and all of us were exhausted. We could feel the peace of the scenic environment with no pollution, busy people etc.,. It was fantastic! All of us were delighted with the pleasant climate and the lunch which felt relaxing! 

After that, at exactly 6.a.m the next day, we went back home with the joy surrounding us and collected by us. It was glamorous! Fantastic!

~Jaanya Akhavat- 8 A

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